Growing kochia in open ground

Brief information about kochia

Kochia has a second name: “Summer cypress” (and it was not obtained just like that, the plant really resembles a cypress).
A spectacular representative of the Amaranthaceae family (Chenopodiaceae subfamily) is a fast-growing annual plant. The culture is loved by many gardeners because of its amazing and spectacular foliage and original shape. Interesting narrow leaves look very decorative in the garden.

The plant can reach an average height of 60-150 centimeters in height. The plant has a lush, developed crown, which forms and takes shape in early June. Remains decorative until late autumn.

The most popular species that are most often planted in our gardens are Kochia broom (or Paniculata). The species is divided into the following popular varieties: Kochia hairifolia and Child's Kochia). Annual variety.

By the way! Kochia hairifolia has green leaves in summer, and in autumn the leaves acquire a beautiful red-crimson hue (pictured below).

And Childs' kochia leaves are green and do not change color.

Growing a beautiful kochia in the garden is not at all difficult; it is unpretentious and undemanding. However, it is important to satisfy all cultural requirements. The place for growing must be sunny and warm, with fertile soil. Acidic, heavy, wet soils are not suitable at all! It is important to avoid low areas and places where moisture accumulates. In a semi-shaded place the plant will be smaller.

By the way! Kochia reproduces well by self-sowing.

Care in open ground is very simple: regularly loosen the soil around the plant (a few hours after watering), weeding. It takes well to fertilizing with complex fertilizer (first 15-20 days after planting the seedlings in a permanent place, the second time 30 days after the first time).

An important point of care when growing kochia in the garden is pruning to give it a beautiful shape (for example, a ball, a pyramid, etc.). The event can be held every 14 days.

Kochia flower

As a flower, kochia is unattractive, since its flowers are inconspicuous and inconspicuous, but one of the annual species, kochia paniculata (K. Scoparia), is successfully grown as an ornamental foliage plant. Unpretentiousness in cultivation, attractive foliage, fast growth, beautiful bush shape, which is also easy to trim and shape, contribute to its growing popularity in garden design. The plant is perfect for creating trimmed borders, temporary hedges, and also as tapeworms. In addition, it is used for technical purposes, making panicles and brooms, which is reflected in the name of the species.

Application and beneficial properties

Kochia not only decorates gardens, flower beds, alleys and much more, but is also used in medicine. The plant has the following properties: cardiac stimulation, diuretic and diaphoretic effect, as well as a general tonic effect. Used during diseases of the urinary tract and bladder, eczema, rheumatism, swelling and skin inflammation. Kochia-based ointments treat skin and nail diseases.

In addition, some people use the leaves of the plant in preparing various dishes, but mainly as grass for livestock. The upper shoots with flowers are used as dried flowers, and the dried stems are used for brooms, as mentioned earlier.

Description of culture

The genus Kochia is represented by perennial shrubs and annual herbaceous plants with a height of 10-15 cm to 1 m. The root system of all species is quite powerful; for this reason, kochia is not grown in pots. The crown is dense, highly branched, shoots grow very quickly. The leaves are narrow, thread-like, without petioles (“sessile”), rich green in color; by autumn, in most species, their color changes to red-brown or bright burgundy. Small white flowers are located in the axils of the leaves, the fruits are small round nuts, each containing one seed.

Related article:

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This representative of the amaranth family prefers well-drained soils with a neutral or slightly acidic pH and well-lit areas. Lowlands with high soil moisture are not suitable for growing kochia.

Kochia has a number of healing properties. Tinctures and decoctions are made from its seeds and stems, which are used as a diuretic, diaphoretic, and laxative. Based on kochia, preparations are prepared that have antimicrobial and cardiotonic effects.

Types and varieties of kochia with photos and names

The genus Kochia includes approximately 80 species. In mid-latitudes, only a few of them are cultivated in gardens:

Kochia hairy

Hairy Kochia (K. Scoparia var. Trichophylla) was created through careful selection and introduced into garden culture back in the 17th century. It is an annual, highly branched bush, reaching a height of 1 m and a width of 50-70 cm. The leaves are narrow, graceful, densely covering the entire plant, hiding small flowers that look like green balls, like quinoa. This variety is sometimes called red kochia, because its foliage, soft green in summer, turns into bright red, burgundy or pinkish tones in autumn, which gives the autumn garden an exceptional decorative effect. The main advantage of the culture is the beautiful shape of the bush, regular, elongated oval, easy to trim.

Childs' Kohia

Child's Kochia (K. Scoparia var. Childsii) is similar in appearance to the previous one, only more compact, grows only up to 40-50 cm, and has lighter foliage, which also remains green in the autumn.

Based on these two varieties, numerous varieties of kochia have been created, differing in the size and color of the leaves. We list some of the most famous and popular among our flower growers.


The height of a slender bush varies from 0.7 to 1 meter. At the beginning of the season, the foliage is colored emerald, and at the end - burgundy. The plant tolerates pruning normally.


The crown has a columnar shape; the bush itself can reach a height of 0.8 to 1 meter. Green foliage turns purple in autumn. The plant can withstand light frosts.


This variety is characterized by rapid growth, and the bush reaches a height of about 100 cm. It is often used to form green sculptures.


The bushes are dense, a meter high, and in diameter they reach about 0.6 m. Green foliage begins to change its color to purple-red in the summer.

Cochia Acapulco Silver

Acapulco Silver (Acapulca Silver), an ancient variety up to 100 cm tall, with bright green, silver-tipped leaves that turn bright purple in autumn. Its image can often be found in ancient engravings of the 19th century, but nowadays the plant is very rare, although it looks surprisingly decorative.

Among the varieties of domestic selection, zoned for all regions of the country and included in the State Register of the Russian Federation, we can note the cultivar “Royal Castle”, with small light green leaves that turn burgundy in autumn. The bush is 90-100 mm high and 50-55 cm wide, extremely durable, elongated pyramidal in shape, easy to trim, resistant to diseases and pests.

In gardens you can occasionally find other, less decorative annual species: woolly-flowered kochia (K. Laniflora), up to 80 cm high, with stems densely covered with short curly hairs.

And densely flowered kochia (K. Densiflora), growing up to 130 cm, with horizontally directed shoots and original flowers, around the base of which there are tufts of light long hairs, giving the crop an unusual white-shaggy appearance.

Kochia coronata

The low bush has a spherical shape, it is unpretentious and resistant to drought. In autumn, the color of the foliage changes to burgundy-red. This species is not afraid of even slight frosts. In this regard, it is able to maintain its decorative effect until late autumn.

Types of kochia

Gardeners count about 80 varieties. In the CIS countries, only the following types are popular.


This is a less decorative type of kochia; the bushes grow 5-6 cm tall. The plant itself is dense, the branches spread in different directions along the surface.

Woolly flowered

The bushes are annual, reaching 0.5 meters in height. The branches are reddish or yellow-green, with curly pubescence.

Densely flowered

The annual bush grows more than 1 meter in height. The inflorescences are covered with a mass of small whitish hairs, creating a shaggy appearance.


Coronal kochia forms spherical shrubs and is resistant to dry periods. In autumn the bush turns burgundy. The variety, unlike its counterparts, can withstand frosts down to -10 degrees. The bushes bloom until late autumn.


The culture forms slender, elongated bushes 100*70 cm. The leaves are narrow, with a pubescent edge, in the spring of a salad color. With the arrival of autumn, the plant takes on a burgundy hue. It prefers sunny areas and can grow in poor soils.


The variety is spherical in shape, small in size, up to 50 cm high. The branches are spreading, densely covered with lettuce foliage. The plant never changes color.

See also

Description of 30 types of perennial zinnia, planting and care in open groundRead


An annual species of compact size with a round shape, grows up to 100 cm. The process of bush formation is fast, the variety takes root well in new areas. With the arrival of autumn, emerald tones change to burgundy.

Acapulco Silver

The bushes are spherical, covered with green leaves with a silver edge. In autumn they turn crimson in color.


The plant is famous for its rapid growth, its height is 1 meter. The shade is grassy and does not change throughout the year. With the help of this variety they create marvelous green sculptures.


This is an annual columnar-shaped bush, the height is about 100 cm. By autumn the leaves turn purple. The variety is resistant to frosts down to -10.


The bushes are dense, up to 1 meter high, 60 cm in diameter. In summer they change green to purple-red.

Berning Bush

The bushes are distinguished by their red color already in June. Their height reaches about 80 cm.


The annual prefers warmth, the pollen is not pronounced. The leaves turn coppery red in autumn.

Green Forest

An annual bush, elongated in shape, with bright green leaves. During the growing season, the shade does not change.

Green Lace

The variety has an elongated, oval shape. The flower of the leaves is emerald, does not change.


The variety is distinguished by a green tint of bushes and thick leaves. The plant reaches 80 cm in height.

Perennial kochia

Perennial representatives of the genus are rarely used in decorative floriculture, although some of them are considered valuable forage crops. The most famous and widespread is creeping kochia (K.Prostata), or izen. This perennial kochia (see photo below) is a subshrub 10-50 cm high, strongly branched at the base and spread along the ground, having different phenotypic forms depending on the place of growth. The shoots, up to 70 cm long, creeping along the ground and rising at the ends, are first covered with thick or weak pubescence, and over time they become almost bare and reddish. Linear or thread-like leaves can be smooth, fluffy or silky to the touch due to numerous appressed hairs, and do not exceed 0.6-1.5 cm in length and 0.05-0.28 cm in width. The root system is powerful, spreads to a depth of more than 3 m, the flowers are small, inconspicuous, bloom in July-September in the axils of the leaves at the tops of the shoots in bunches of 3, collected in an inflorescence-spike, have fluffy five-toothed perianths, form small seeds that spread solely by the wind.

The plant is considered a very promising fodder crop because it is rich in nutrients, has a long growing season, produces a stable harvest, and tolerates arid conditions of deserts and semi-deserts and cold snowless winters, which are not uncommon in sharply continental climates. In addition, the species is quite decorative and can be used as a ground cover perennial in dry open places: rocky hills, or fully sunlit flower beds.

Choosing a location and soil on the site. How to choose a place to plant kochia?

Areas for kochia should be sunny and protected from the wind. Planting in light shade is allowed. With strong shading, the plant will branch weakly and the color of the leaves will turn red. Lowlands with close groundwater are not suitable for cultivation.

Kochia is planted on fertile soils that allow water and air to pass well to the roots. The acidity level should be close to neutral or slightly acidic. On poor soils, the bushes turn out to be low, inconspicuous, with dull leaves.

Before planting, the soil is dug up, humus and compost must be added to the soil at the rate of 10 kg per 1 sq. m. m. or nitrogen mineral fertilizers - ammonium nitrate, urea, ammonium sulfate.

Planting kochia seeds in open ground

In order for kochia seeds to germinate well and young shoots to subsequently develop successfully, it is important to know when, in what soil and how to sow. Although annual cypress is not particularly demanding, in some conditions it will not thrive.

When to plant kochia This decorative representative of the flora does not tolerate frost well, so it can be planted in open ground only when the air temperature becomes consistently above zero. Even moreover, the thermometer at night should not fall below +10ᵒС. Therefore, even in a warm spring, to avoid risk, kochia is planted only in May.

Preparing the site for planting The natural habitat for kochia is steppe and semi-desert. This should be taken into account when choosing a place for it in your dacha or garden area. The plant will not like a poorly lit area of ​​land. Kochia will please the eye, growing in non-acidic and well-drained soil. Before adding seeds, the soil can be fertilized, loosened and moistened.

Planting seeds To have good germination of kochia seeds, it is important to make sure that they are no more than two years old. Planting is best done in the early morning, evening or in the middle of a cloudy day. The seeds are scattered lightly over the selected area and sprinkled with a little sand or fine soil, after which they are carefully moistened. The planted seeds are covered with non-woven material on top until the air is completely warmed up. The weakest sprouts are subsequently removed, leaving a distance of 20-30 cm between them, for decorative borders - 10-15 cm.

Kochia loves space

Video - Growing kochia from seeds

Kochia planting and care photo

If we look at the conditions in which kochia grows best, photos on the Internet will show that its main habitat is steppes and semi-deserts. Therefore, in your own garden you need to choose areas that are sufficiently lit, preferably open. The plant easily tolerates dry soil, but flooding or poor drainage is destructive for it.

There is no need to worry about the lack of nutrition of the bushes; they grow quite actively in any soil except acidic ones. Based on this information, you should choose a place to plant seeds or grown seedlings. In order for the bushes to reach their maximum size, it is still better to fertilize the soil in advance.

Between plants you need to leave a space of at least 30 cm, and ideally up to 50. Then the kochia will first actively increase the vegetative mass, and only then will it bloom. With flowering, its rapid growth stops, and crowding stimulates the formation of buds, which also prevents the flower from taking on a beautiful natural shape.

This plant is afraid of frost, and therefore planting begins only in the first ten days of May. However, by this time you can prepare the seedlings if you want to see large bushes of this species in the garden as early as possible. In another case, its seeds are sown directly into the ground and, if necessary (at low night temperatures), covered with film.

Growing kochia seedlings

Most often, kochia is propagated by first growing seedlings from seeds in a greenhouse. For the success of this venture, the following recommendations must be carefully followed.

Necessary conditions The best time to start growing kochia seedlings is March-April. This should not be done before, as due to lack of sunlight the seedlings will be too thin and long. You can plant seeds in a mixture of fine peat, sand and humus, or in ordinary garden soil with humus. The substrate is disinfected by heating it in the oven or treating it with a special agent.

Kochia loves light and non-sour

How to plant kochia seeds Immediately before sowing, the prepared substrate is slightly compacted and thoroughly moistened. Next, kochia seeds are scattered sparsely over its surface and sprinkled with a small amount of sand or simply pressed a little deeper. After this, they are sprayed with a spray bottle. Finally, the container is covered with lutrasil or other material that allows light and air to pass through.

Conditions for growing seedlings The cover is removed from the sprouts that have sprouted on days 7-10. To prevent them from being exposed to dangerous diseases, watering should be regular but moderate, and it is better to reduce the air temperature in the room by a few degrees. If some seedlings are exposed to the disease, they must be urgently removed and the soil neutralized with a solution of potassium permanganate or other suitable substance.

Picking kochia seedlings After three leaves appear, groups of two or three sprouts can be transplanted into separate containers, the diameter of which should not exceed 10 cm. After this, the plant needs the same moderate watering and sunlight. A week after diving, it is advisable to fertilize the seedlings, and then do this every two weeks. In order to plant seedlings in open ground, it is better to wait for stable heat. Most likely it will be the second half of May. The main thing for growing beautiful and lush bushes is good lighting and moderate watering. It is advisable to fertilize immediately after planting and a month later.

Growing kochia is not as difficult a process as it might seem. Unfortunately, it does not tolerate frost, so the only way to annually decorate your plot with such an exotic beauty as kochia is to grow it from seeds. We have discussed in detail when it is best to plant this plant and how to do it correctly. Now all that remains is to apply it.

Growing from seeds

Kochia can be easily grown from seeds, either through seedlings or by sowing them directly into open ground. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out from the last days of March to the end of April. To do this, not very tall small boxes need to be filled with a substrate consisting of sand and garden soil. Experts advise that it is imperative to disinfect the soil mixture by calcination.

First, moisten the surface of the soil mixture in the box with a spray bottle, and then proceed to sowing, and try to distribute the seeds evenly. They are not buried or sprinkled with soil mixture on top, but only slightly pressed into the substrate, using a flat board for this. Move the crops to a lighted place, and the optimal air temperature should be between 18–20 degrees.

After the seedlings appear, they are moved to a cooler place (about 10 degrees). When the bushes have 3 true leaf blades, they should be picked into small containers. In a pot that reaches 10 centimeters in diameter, you can plant 3 seedlings at once. In the last days of May, after the end of spring frosts, the seedlings are transplanted into open ground, and they should have a height of about 10–15 centimeters. Such a plant needs space; therefore, when planting seedlings in open ground, a distance of 0.3 meters is left between them.

Kochia can be sown directly into the garden. As a rule, this is done in the southern regions, where the climate is mild, and the best period for this is from mid to late May. Some gardeners prefer to sow kochia before winter in the autumn, in which case the seedlings will appear immediately after the snow melts. If your garden has favorable conditions for the growth of such a shrub, then abundant self-sowing is possible. The seeds of such a plant are not killed by moderate frosts, but they will be detrimental to the seedlings.

Before you start sowing, dig up the soil and add a little sand and peat. Level the surface of the soil and evenly distribute small seeds on it. After this, the crops need to be watered carefully. The first seedlings should appear after 10–12 days.


Agrotechnics of cultivation

In countries with warm and mild climates, Kochia is grown as a perennial plant. But tender subshrubs simply will not survive severe winter frosts. Therefore, in Russia Bassia is grown exclusively as an annual.

Kochia reproduces by seeds, which can be sown in late autumn or spring directly into open ground. But broom grass has one peculiarity - young seedlings absolutely cannot tolerate even slight drops in temperature.

Therefore, to protect themselves, many gardeners grow annual plants using seedlings. You will learn from the article when to plant Kochia seeds and how to care for the plantings.

Optimal planting dates

Flower growers often ask a number of questions: what conditions must be observed when growing Kochia from seeds, when to plant seedlings and how to care for them. In general, these activities do not require specific knowledge or skills, so even a beginner can cope with them.

Residents of the southern regions can plant Kochia seeds directly in open ground in mid-to-late May. The main thing is that at the time of sowing, the threat of return frosts has passed, and the night temperature is firmly established at around +10˚С +12˚С.

But even in this case, you will have to pay a lot of attention to the crops:

  • at the slightest drop in planting temperature, it is necessary to cover with lutrasil;
  • strictly monitor soil moisture and the condition of seedlings;
  • young seedlings are a favorite delicacy of insect pests;
  • if the plantings are too dense, the young plants will need to be thinned out.

When planting Kochia for seedlings, you need to focus on the timing of transplanting plants into open ground. In the central regions, seeds should be sown in late March - early April. But residents of the northern regions can start sowing no earlier than mid-April.

Interesting! Kochia broomata, which has the shape of a ball and takes on a purple color when autumn comes, is very popular among flower growers.

The main thing, when determining the timing of when to plant Kochia seedlings, is to take into account that seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place 2-2.5 months after sowing.

Preparing containers and soil

To grow strong and healthy annual cypress seedlings, it is important to properly prepare the soil and select suitable containers.

You can plant Kochia seeds for seedlings either in separate or in bulk containers. This can be disposable tableware, plastic molds, containers and boxes for growing seedlings. There are no special requirements for containers, other than the presence of drainage holes.

It is very convenient to use peat cups or tablets when growing Kochia from seeds at home. In this case, it will be easier for you to transplant plants into open ground.

When preparing suitable soil, it is worth paying attention to the fact that Bassia is very fond of loose, fertile soil with neutral acidity levels. Garden soil can be diluted with sand, peat and humus in a ratio of 1:0.5:1:1. If the acidity of the soil is high, add a little ash to the soil mixture.

The finished soil must be disinfected with a pink solution of potassium permanganate and left for 2-3 days. If you wish, you can bake the earth in the oven. Before planting Kochia seeds, make sure the soil is sufficiently moist but not too wet.

Bassia seeds remain viable for 2-3 years, no more. But it is still better that the seed material is fresh enough. Otherwise, you may be left without seedlings at all, and all your efforts will be in vain.

Interesting! Kochia received its name in honor of the botanist Joseph Koch.

Proper sowing of seeds

Before and when planting Kochia, the seeds can, if desired, be soaked for several hours in growth stimulants. However, even without treatment, they sprout quite quickly, 7-10 days after planting.

The algorithm for sowing Kochia seedlings is somewhat different from traditional activities:

  • As usual, place a small layer of drainage on the bottom of the container;
  • fill the container with pre-prepared soil;
  • lightly compact the soil with a small wooden block;

  • spread the seeds over the surface, lightly pressing them into the soil. If you sow seeds in boxes or containers, evenly distribute the seeds at an equal distance from each other in small grooves;
  • Seeds should not be buried. Leave them on the surface;
  • It is also not recommended to water the plantings heavily. Spray them a little from a spray bottle, cover the containers with lutrasil and place in a dark, cool place.

The optimal air temperature for growing Kochia seedlings is +18˚С +23˚С. You need to water the soil as needed. Before the first shoots appear, irrigate the plantings with a spray bottle. After friendly, green shoots appear, the seedlings can be watered with a stream. But it is important that water does not get on the plants.

Further care of Kochia seedlings involves timely watering and regular inspection.

Interesting! Another advantage of the subshrub is that summer cypress has healing properties.

The author of the video will tell you how and when to plant Kochia seeds for seedlings:

Picking seedlings

When growing Kochia from seeds at home, it is important to plant the seedlings correctly and in a timely manner.

Considering that Kochia seeds have to be planted superficially, the root system of the seedlings is very weak. Therefore, picking must be done very carefully, trying not to damage weak roots.

Picking is done in disposable cups, small pots, or larger containers. Drainage holes are required.

Picking begins when the sprouts reach a height of 5-7 cm. The soil for seedlings and the soil for picking should be identical in composition.

It is advisable to plant Kochia seedlings using the transshipment method. The seedlings are transferred to a prepared container along with a lump of earth, which avoids injury to the root system of the plant.

In the future, you will only need to water Kochia from time to time and make sure that the seedlings receive sufficient sunlight. With a lack of lighting, plants stretch out and become weak.

7-10 days after picking, feed Kochia grown from seeds with mineral fertilizers to stimulate the growth of green mass. Subsequent feeding - after 2-3 weeks.

When caring for Bassia, it is important not to overdo it with watering. Too wet soil is the first reason for the appearance of blackleg. If the first signs of the disease are detected, you need to urgently take emergency measures:

  • remove infected plants immediately;
  • do not water the plantings until the soil dries out;
  • Sprinkle the soil with sand, perlite or wood ash.

In the future, try not to water Kochia too much.

Interesting! Dried branches of Kochia can be used to create compositions of dried flowers.

Transplantation into open ground

By about mid-to-late May, Kochia grown from seeds at home should grow to 15-20 cm in height. As soon as the air warms up sufficiently and the threat of frost has passed, the time has come when you can plant Kochia seedlings in open ground.

Take care of a suitable site in advance and carefully prepare the soil. Kochia grows well in a sunny place, protected from piercing winds. The soil on the site should be loose and fertile. It is impossible to grow Kochia in places with close groundwater, as well as in places where melt and rainwater stagnate. Otherwise, the plant will inevitably die.

The recommended step for planting Bassia depends on the purpose of cultivation and the plant variety. If you are growing Kochia as a hedge or border, plant the plants at a distance of at least 30-40 cm. If Kochia is grown as focal plants, in this case the distance between seedlings can be from 50 cm to 1 m.

Prepare a suitable area in advance. If necessary, add fertilizer, sand and ash, and dig up the soil.

Prepare the planting holes. The depth and size of the holes depends on the volume of the container in which the Kochia seedlings were grown. Transfer the plants into the hole carefully, along with a lump of earth, to avoid damage to the root system. Fill all voids with soil and level the soil thoroughly. Lightly compact the soil at the base of the bushes.

It is advisable to water Bassia after transplantation with warm, settled water in moderate quantities. At the slightest hint of a drop in temperature, cover the plantings with lutrasil. As you can see, there is nothing difficult about growing Kochia from seeds.

Important! In the first few days after transplantation, young shoots should be shaded.

Reproduction and cultivation of perennials and annuals

The perennial and annual Kochia reproduces by seeds. They can be planted directly into the ground or with preliminary cultivation of seedlings.


Seeds are planted in the ground both in spring and autumn. Planting technology is somewhat different. When planting in spring, the soil is first slightly moistened and then the seeds are pressed into it. There is no need to cover them with soil.

Video shows how to grow kochia from seeds:

Sowing can begin in May . If this is done in the fall, then shallow furrows are prepared in advance. When the ground freezes a little, sow the seeds and cover them with previously prepared soil.


If kochia is grown using seedlings, then sowing is done at the end of March , as is the case with planting and caring for anemone flowers. You can do this in a greenhouse.

Seeds are placed in grooves about one centimeter deep at intervals of thirty centimeters and lightly pressed down. Shoots will appear after two weeks. At this time, you need to carry out abundant watering.

With a lack of moisture, seedlings become lifeless and may die completely.



In nature, kohia prefers to grow in desert and rocky areas. Therefore, sunny areas in the garden are best suited for it. However, you can also plant it in slight shade, but in this case the bushes will be elongated and looser.


Kochia is drought-resistant; water it moderately, focusing on drying the top layer of soil. The plant needs more moisture during the rooting period and in hot weather. On such days, water the kohia more often, otherwise the bushes will become lethargic and drooping. It is better to water in the morning or evening to avoid leaf burns. The soil around the bushes, which has dried out after watering, is regularly loosened.

Top dressing

10 days after planting kochia seedlings in open ground, the first fertilizing is carried out. The optimal regime for summer feeding is once every two weeks. To do this, use complex mineral fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen, ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride and superphosphate. It is useful to alternate root and foliar feeding . Herbal infusions from any weeds are also good. With this care, the foliage of the plant will be bright green and well-groomed.

Trimming and cutting

Kochia tolerates pruning well. The plant is used to create vegetable borders and hedges. On kochia, novice gardeners can practice the skills of creating a variety of shapes: rectangular, oval, spherical.

To obtain a lush bush, pinch the tops of the shoots. Young and still tender bushes begin to be cut in June. The frequency of pruning is 1-2 times a month. After cutting, in order for the plant to regain its strength, fertilize with ammonium nitrate.


Is it possible to replant kochia? If you dig up an adult plant with a ball of earth, shorten the shoots and plant it in a new place, not forgetting to water it regularly, then it will take root. But it’s easier to propagate it by self-sowing or growing it through seedlings.

It is also not advisable to transplant kochia for growing at home. She loves a lot of space, the pot will be cramped for her and the foliage may turn red.

Shelter for the winter

Annual species have a short lifespan - only one summer season. In autumn, before frost, the plant is removed from flower beds.

Perennial species are prepared for wintering by protecting the bushes from freezing with any covering material. Before this, the shoots of kochia are shortened. In the spring, the shelter is removed after the onset of warming and there is no threat of frost.

Caring for kochia bushes

After planting, the plant needs fertilizer and regular watering in the first month, during which the vegetative mass is actively developing. Otherwise, kochia is completely unpretentious to care for. However, it is important to ensure that the soil can “breathe” in the first half of summer, so loosening and weeding should be carried out regularly.

A month after the emergence of seedlings, a second feeding is carried out; for this it is better to use mineral fertilizers. If all the above conditions are met, after a month and a half the bush reaches its maximum height and becomes suitable for crown formation. You can safely cut it; it lends itself well to decorative pruning.

After each haircut, it is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers under the bushes, and once a month you can pamper the kochia with liquid nutrient solutions. This is not necessary, but the species responds very well to such care. Pruning under conditions of regular fertilizing can be done every two weeks.

Kochia, the planting and care of which seduces many gardeners with its simplicity, is quite immune to disease. However, it can be affected by spider mites , from which the bushes are treated with special medications. Since the bushes have dense foliage, it is advisable to spray twice, two weeks apart.

The appearance of the plant shows what it lacks in care. With a lack of moisture, the small foliage droops and the decorative effect of the kochia disappears. If you quickly moisten the soil, the bushes will become beautiful again. In the case of a lack of nutrients, the plant fades and loses its color density. Liquid fertilizers will be an ambulance in such a situation.

By winter, annual plants are removed, and kochia can be planted in their place next year. Perennials are covered in any available way, shortening the crown. They can be opened in the spring only after the frosts have ended; in central Russia this is usually mid-May.

Due to its pronounced decorative effect, kochia is often used in the design of gardens and parks, the cultivation of which is also not a problem. However, the soil around it must be kept clean, removing all weeds, and flowers and other cultivated plants should not be planted between the bushes. The abundance of space around the bushes allows the species to form a crown with the most symmetrical shape.

Kochia in combination with other plants in landscape design

The topic of using kochia in landscape design is endless. You can get ideas for arranging a flower bed from photos on the Internet or use your own imagination. Kochia plantings are used to decorate hedges, green borders, and design flower beds in personal plots and in urban landscaping. Summer cypress will decorate a garden composition and even an alpine hill.

Kochia will dilute any colors with its greenery. Yellow fluffy marigold caps on the green background of kochia look gorgeous. No less effect is achieved from planting kochia in the rose garden. The alpine hill will sparkle with new colors when kochia is combined with lavender.

Particular attention, as an element of landscape design, should be paid to figures from kochia. Their diversity is simply amazing. On the Internet there are photos of kochia in the form of a heart, matryoshka, snake, and complex geometric shapes. A zigzag hedge or a wavy border, fancy shapes or strict geometric shapes - everything is possible using grown kochia.

With the onset of autumn, flower beds with kochia are transformed again. The property of the kochia chameleon can be taken into account in landscape design and used to advantage. In the summer, kochia can serve as a green background, and in the fall it can transform into red, yellow or orange accents of the flowerbed. In combination with the queen of autumn, chrysanthemum, the effect is simply stunning.

Florists also respect kochia. Cut branches are used to create bouquets. Dried sections are painted by florists in different colors and used in “dry” compositions.

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