At what distance from each other should you plant pumpkins in open ground?
To grow pumpkin, a gardener does not need special knowledge and experience; the plant is very unpretentious and
The best irrigation system - what experts recommend
Location of the automatic watering system on the site Each site has its own characteristics. Various plants also require
Tandoor for home
How to build a brick tandoor in the country
Features of the tandoor and operating principle The first tandoors were earthen. Afterwards they began to be created
Beautiful lawn at the dacha with your own hands with flowers
Types of flower beds for dachas The following types of flower beds and flower beds are used in landscape design: Border
How to take care of indoor flowers in the fall: useful tips and tricks
When is the use of fertilizer for indoor flowers indicated? It is not difficult to understand that plants need nutrition.
Calibrachoa photo
Calibrachoa - growing and care at home
More recently, just 20 years ago, this plant was classified as a member of the Petunia genus, but after
Derbennik care for the winter. Flowering time of the loosestrife. Is merlin pruned for the winter?
Description, varieties and photos of loosestrife The plant grows up to 1.2-1.5 meters and blooms similar
Would you like to plant a felt cherry tree? We will help you do it right
How to properly plant cherry seedlings in the fall - step-by-step instructions Cherry is a favorite of many summer residents,
DIY Fences for Tree Seedlings
When planning the landscape design of a personal plot, it is important to pay attention to both large objects and
Decorative pond: secrets of spectacular design
What is the difference between a decorative pond and a pool Both a pool and a pond can be a decoration
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