Business idea for making glowing stones

Getting to know the product

Glowing in the dark stones will not leave anyone indifferent, and the business idea of ​​making luminous stones is attractive and does not require serious investments.

They will help decorate any suburban area. Such decorative elements have many advantages.

They are used not only for aesthetic purposes, but also to save energy consumption.

Glowing stones can partially replace street lighting.

Luminescent stones are a relatively new type of product . Companies involved in landscape design will certainly be interested in them.

In addition, owners of country cottages seeking to minimize energy costs can become consumers of such products.

Aquarium specialists will also be buyers of glowing stones.

Creating exclusive aquariums using such material is a sought-after service.

The scope of possible application of such stones is quite wide. They can be sold to students who are studying design art in colleges or universities.

Using this material, you can create various compositions for decorating the interior of various residential and non-residential premises.

Making glowing stones

There is nothing complicated about creating a luminous path or platform on your site with your own hands. For this you will need:

  • stones (natural or artificial);
  • light accumulative (luminous) paint TAT-33;
  • brush.

Light accumulative paint can be applied to any stone.

Luminescent paint is capable of accumulating solar energy, which will later be released in the form of a glow in the dark. At night this process can continue for 10 hours. It all depends on how much energy from the sun the stones managed to absorb. By the way, this paint does not wash off and will not peel off. It has very good wear resistance, and therefore luminous stones can last a long time. This paint can be applied to any stone, although many professionals advise using artificial material. This is due to the fact that artificial stones are cleaner than natural ones. In this case, cleanliness is of great importance in terms of the service life of the luminous elements. Then the decorative effect will please the eye longer.

Where to start a business producing and selling luminous stones

To start a business producing glow-in-the-dark stones, you need a modest investment (about 60 thousand rubles).

The technology for manufacturing such products can be mastered using video tutorials on the Internet.

The starting materials for making luminous stones will be plastic and luminescent pigment.

The plastic used in the work must be highly resistant to external influences and durable, otherwise the quality of the final product may suffer.

The market value of high-quality plastic is about 500 rubles per kilogram.

As for the coloring pigment, its selling price varies from 200 to 800 rubles per liter, depending on the country of manufacture and other factors.

Finished products can be packaged in bags of 30 stones.

It is advisable for an entrepreneur to manufacture luminous stones for individual orders.

This will allow products to be produced according to the parameters specified by customers.

Glowing stones in landscape design

Surely most owners of country houses and dachas who decide to improve their garden territory are faced with the problem of choosing lighting options. Some limit themselves to traditional lanterns, others order exclusive lamps, and still others come up with something completely unusual - they lay amazing stones that glow in the dark on the gravel path. Yes, yes, these really exist! We will talk further about what these stones are, what design ideas can be realized with their help, and how to make them.

The material for such luminous stones is a special polymer plastic with luminosity catalysts. It is these additives that can accumulate light from absolutely any source, for example, from the sun, moon, or even an ordinary light bulb. Therefore, the glow of such a stone, of course, cannot be endless - it lasts exactly as long as its stay in the light lasted. Let’s say that if an artificial stone lay under the rays of the sun all day, then it will glow all night until dawn. Well, if the “recharging” lasted only 30 minutes, then after the next half hour the glow of the stone will completely dry up. The service life of such products is practically unlimited, as is the number of light “recharges”.

Self-luminous stones on the path day and night

Manufacturers produce self-luminous stones in three sizes: small (no larger than stone chips), medium (like river pebbles) and large (similar to boulders).

To install small and medium stones on the site, you don’t need any special wisdom - just scatter them in the desired places. Artificial boulders must be carefully fixed to the soil so that they are not blown away by gusts of wind. For this purpose, each such stone has a cavity that is not closed from below. Installation occurs as follows: a polymer boulder is placed in the selected location and pressed firmly with your hands so that the edges of the cavity partially go underground. It is first recommended to place foil or a piece of white paper inside the stone to enhance the quality of the glow.

There is another option for stones that can glow. However, they do not glow on their own, but thanks to the LEDs built into them. They receive power either from the mains through a step-down transformer or from solar panels. The operating life of the LED module can reach up to 100 thousand hours, which is equivalent to 27 years of operation with 10 hours of daily operation!

Glowing stones with LEDs

When developing the technology of glowing stones, their construction was designed to be completely sealed, so, unfortunately, it is impossible to replace a used LED. However, tightness is a necessary condition to ensure high resistance to various loads. Even if a car drives over such stones, their surface will not be damaged at all.

Magic lamps - stones with LEDs

Installing artificial stones with LEDs involves laying wires and cables, and therefore is a more complex process than installing self-luminous analogues.

Artificial polymer products that glow in the dark are practically indistinguishable during the day from real stones, which are widely used in a variety of landscaping techniques. That is why, when replacing some of the natural stones with polymer ones, you can not change the style of the site at all during the day, but still get an unforgettable glowing effect in the dark.

Polymer stones in daylight

Glowing paths at night

Garden paths sprinkled or framed with luminous stones look especially amazing. If you sprinkle the path with a small or medium fraction of polymer stone, then during the day it will be no different from an ordinary gravel path, but at night it will magically transform, becoming like a scattering of stars in the Milky Way. Interspersed with luminous stones on a path made of natural pebbles or large polymer boulders laid along the edges of the alley will also look beautiful. Glowing dots also look magical and enchanting at the bottom of bodies of water: swimming pools, ponds, streams.

Milky Way made of glowing stones

What equipment to choose for organizing a business

To produce decorative luminous stones and luminous concrete tiles you will need:

  • a mixer-mixer for mixing the mixture, which must have a minimum kneading time in its technical specifications and work with a mass of a certain consistency;
  • a vibrating table equipped with a special unit for compacting various materials;
  • molds for pouring mortar;
  • cabinet for drying the product (temperature + 30 degrees).

The purchase of these devices and mechanisms will require about 40-45 thousand rubles.

We create miracles with our own hands: painting blanks

Glowing stones will serve you for many years, since the luminescent paint is not afraid of water.

Before applying paint, be sure to manually clean, wash and dry the stones. This should be done especially carefully with natural ones, since bacteria and dirt accumulate on them, which can negatively affect the quality in the future. This must be done manually, with your own hands. The stones must first be painted and then laid out on the desired surface. Place a cloth or paper on a flat surface and place clean, dried stones on top. It is not advisable to paint the entire future luminous stone, because the side lying on the ground will not be visible. It is better to apply paint on the flatter side. Walking on too convex and rocky surfaces will be extremely inconvenient and even dangerous. After painting, the stones should be allowed to dry thoroughly. This will significantly extend their service life, and you and your loved ones will not risk getting dirty.

After the glowing stones have dried, you can begin laying them on the future path. with your own hands on the road. A pre-invented (and possibly drawn) pattern will look very beautiful. The use of luminous stones in decoration does not limit the imagination of the owner of the site. They can even be placed near water, as they have good water-repellent properties. In addition, decorative luminous stones are completely safe for both humans and animals. In addition, when creating this decorative element with your own hands, you can use special paint with phosphorescent additives. It contains a special pigment that has the property of a so-called residual glow. Glowing stones are made using this paint in the same way as using light-accumulating paint.

The only caveat: phosphorescent paint should dry only under the influence of sunlight. Particularly interesting are various experiments with color for luminous stones, and it can be anything: yellow, blue, red, green, purple, orange, pink and any other. Working with such material, you can feel like a real artist. Create a mosaic of luminous stones with your own hands, and it will certainly delight your family and guests.

There is nothing complicated about making glowing stones. But how much joy, goodness and beauty they can bring to any country house. This magical beauty is truly mesmerizing! Such luminous elements will decorate any area, and you can make them today, radically transforming your home with your own hands.

Manufacturing technology of luminous stone and luminous concrete tiles

The solution for luminescent concrete is prepared from certain components. The quantity and proportions of which impart certain qualities to a decorative product. The composition usually contains the following components:

  1. Quartz sand (fraction 0.63 -15);
  2. Color with a high content of iron oxide in an amount of 5% of the total volume of the solution;
  3. Titanium white - for bleaching stone;
  4. Gypsum (or Portland cement);
  5. Plasticizers and latex polymers - for strength;
  6. Water repellents - for resistance to moisture;
  7. Chemical fibers - to reduce the fragility of the material (less chips and cracks).
  8. Luminescent element.

All components are mixed and the solution is poured into wooden molds. Then the mass is shaken on a vibration table for 2-3 minutes to get rid of air bubbles and voids in the thickness of the solution.

Then the molds with the mass are sent to a drying oven, where the mixture hardens and gains strength. At a temperature of + 30°C, the mass hardens in 8-12 hours. Finished products are packaged and ready for sale.


Every gardener dreams of creating a fairy tale, albeit a small one, out of his country plot. All kinds of flowers, decorative ponds, bushes, clay figurines, paths laid out from various slabs and stones. All this pleases the eye throughout the whole day. What if we make this fairy tale continue at night? Glow in the dark stones are just what you need to add a little romance to your landscaping.

Glowing stones are not only a way to decorate an area, but also to illuminate it. With them there is no need to install a large number of lights that consume electricity.

But what if you want to create something similar yourself, with your own hands? This is not difficult to do. How? Everything is very simple, you just need to complete a few steps:

Let's take a closer look: Choice of material (stone) There are two types of stones: natural and artificial. Artificial ones are lighter in weight and, accordingly, easier to transport, and also do not have such disadvantages as the presence of cracks and bacteria, like natural ones. However, a large number of people prefer natural stones, although they require more careful preparation before painting. One of the types of natural stones used as luminous stones for landscape design is pebbles. This stone has a beautiful round shape and a smooth surface. Before painting the stone, it must be washed thoroughly, all cracks removed from dirt and dried, since the quality of the finished design element will depend on the purity of this material.

Choosing paint For painting stones, there is luminescent paint, which is sold in hardware stores and supermarkets, which makes it possible to do everything necessary for decoration with your own hands. Glowing stones made using this paint can delight the eye at night and in the twilight for 10 hours.

Painting After preparing the stone and choosing paint, you can begin painting. Making stones that glow in the dark is very simple. You need to take a brush and apply paint to the stone. To save paint itself and reduce painting time, it is recommended to apply paint only to the outer part of the stone, since the rest will be in the ground and will become invisible to the eye. Already painted stones should be laid out on a previously prepared flat surface (put a clean sheet of paper or a piece of fabric on it) so that they can dry sufficiently before laying them out on the landscape. If it is a natural stone, it is necessary to carefully paint over all the cracks and crevices.

Now the time has come to decorate the site with your own hands. There are many ready-made ideas on how to do this. You can lay luminous stones along the path, then they will be its outline, or you can make a path from the luminous stones themselves. Due to the fact that stones are moisture resistant, they can be used to decorate swimming pools, fountains, and ponds. Glow-in-the-dark stones are spectacular and easy to make, even with your own hands. Every ordinary gardener can become a real artist and landscape designer in their own area. The variety of colors of stones gives incredible flight to fantasies, which every person can turn into reality and become a little bit of a wizard, creating a fairy tale with their own hands. svetyaschiesya-v-temnote-kamni-svoimi-rukami! ?utm_campaign=transit&utm_source=main&utm_medium=page_21&

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