Fence for a summer residence made of metal picket fence

With a variety of options for creating fences for land plots, building a fence from a wooden picket fence is the easiest and most convenient way to quickly install a fence. There are many varieties of these designs - from budget to expensive designer ones. You can handle the installation of simple classic options even without experience; it is better to entrust more complex work to specialists.

In the country

Types of wooden picket fences

Despite the fact that new types of these products made of metal and plastic have now appeared, a wooden picket fence is still more preferred due to its many advantages. Thanks to new wood processing technologies, many varieties of neat, high-quality blanks are produced, from which you can create a beautiful decorative fence.

No painting

Types of wooden fences:

  1. Budget option - this fencing, made of unplaned or unedged boards, is sometimes used to temporarily mark a site. Such a wooden picket fence is often not painted (of course, it is better to paint it). And the final cost of fencing is not always low. In some cases, this material is even used in expensive designer landscape projects.
  2. The classic picket fence is made from edged boards. The cheaper option is made from unplaned boards, the more expensive option is from planed boards. Various widths of planks are available. In addition to the standard type, the picket fence can be of other shapes: triangular, semicircular. The height of the fence can also be different - due to this, a wide variety of options is obtained to decorate even a simple plank structure.
  3. Designer option. Pickets can, after being carved or otherwise processed, have various decorative shapes. In addition, they can be placed not only vertically, but also horizontally (for example, resembling blinds), creating designs in the form of diamonds, herringbones or other shapes. For such fences, a drawing is first developed and a detailed layout of all elements is created. Wood materials allow you to create many different options, including different color combinations.
  4. Method of placing a picket fence "checkerboard". This fence has both sides facing, because the picket fence is nailed first on one side at intervals equal to its width, and then the same is done on the other. The result is a closed but well-ventilated structure.
  5. Combined. It combines brick (reinforced concrete, stone) pillars, grillage, and sections of wooden picket fence. This is the strongest and most durable design. It is especially suitable for regions with snowy winters: the grillage located below serves as good protection for the wood from rotting. Such a fence looks solid and rich, unlike those made only of wood.

Fencing options

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of a fence for a front garden made of metal picket fence:

  • long period of operation of the European picket fence. Manufacturers assure that the fence will last more than 25 years;
  • metal lasts much longer than wooden fences;
  • open access to sunlight and air, which contributes to the normal development of plants in the front garden. This also eliminates the swampiness of the site;
  • the European picket fence is not lit;
  • beautiful view of the finished structure;
  • you can install it yourself;
  • a large assortment of different models and colors of European picket fences; the fence can be repainted.

Near the house

If wooden fences need to be constantly coated with an antiseptic, then metal structures can stand for a long time without additional treatment with protective compounds.

The only disadvantage is that Euro picket fences have a higher cost, unlike fences made of corrugated sheets, but the quality of the former is much higher.

A photo of a beautiful European picket fence in front of the house can be seen below.

In the village

Advantages of picket fences

Compared to other types of fencing, a wooden picket fence prevails in dachas or private buildings because it is easy to install and unpretentious in further use.

Front garden


  1. The ability to build beautiful fences using cheap, affordable, practical materials that are easy to process using simple means and tools.
  2. The best eco-friendly option that creates an atmosphere of coziness and a feeling of comfort.
  3. Universal, allowing you to build various structures and implement design ideas.
  4. The pieces are easy to make and quick to install. Even a beginner can handle this kind of work.
  5. Easy to maintain: you just need to periodically renew the protective paint layer.
  6. In case of damage, there is no need to replace the entire fragment of the fence; it is enough to replace a few slats.
  7. Treated with antiseptics can have a fairly long service life in good condition.

Decorative fences

Metal picket fence

Metal picket fences are one of the most practical building materials for making reliable and durable fencing in suburban and dacha areas. Front garden made of metal picket fence photo? In terms of its strength and performance characteristics, it is not inferior to a profile sheet, but has several significant advantages over its analogue. The Euro picket fence is inexpensive, and thanks to its shape and light weight, it is easier to install and transport.

You can even build a fence from this metal profile yourself, without involving specialists.

DIY fence installation

Preparatory work is carried out in the same way as when installing other types of fencing:

  • the areas where the fence will be located are cleared of vegetation, debris, and leveled;
  • we install beacons, stretch the thread along the contour;
  • we make markings for future pillars at a distance of 2–3 meters;
  • digging holes under the pillars with a depth of at least 1.3 meters (it is most convenient to use a hole drill).

Wiring diagram

Installation of pillars

If the poles are wooden, then they must be impregnated with an antiseptic, and those parts that will be in the ground must be covered with bitumen mastic. Metal poles are stronger and more durable, but they must also have a good anti-corrosion coating. To do this, if necessary, they must be cleaned of rust, then covered with frost-resistant paint so that the support lasts longer.

The photo shows a fence for a summer house.

In front of the house

For wooden supports of the picket fence, pillars with a cross section of 100x100 mm are used. For metal racks, use a profile pipe with a cross section of 75x75 mm.

It is important to take care in advance about how to make a picket fence more stable. Before installing the support pillars, fine crushed stone 20 cm thick is poured into the bottom of the pit so that they do not move when the ground freezes.

Before burying the pillars, their bases are secured for strength with a mixture of cement and crushed stone. If the supports are metal, brick or reinforced concrete, then special corners or other fasteners are mounted to them to install transverse veins on which the planks will be attached.

A photo of the fence of a private house is presented below.

Bright colors

Set of picket fence sections

The next stage of fencing construction can be performed in two ways:

  1. Horizontal veins are attached to the supports, onto which the slats are then placed using a template (for equal span widths) and a level or cord to create a fence that is even in height. It is not recommended to use nails for this; fastening with screws or self-tapping screws will be stronger. It's more expensive, but more durable.
  2. You can install ready-made sections - purchased or prepared yourself in advance. Then all that remains is to mount them to the poles using mounting screws.

Scheme of a wooden vertical fence

Installation of veins

So, if the fence supports are metal, corners 50x50 mm and 7.5 cm long are welded to them. The distance between them should be determined according to the height of the fence span, departing 100 mm from the edges of the section above and below to the center of the post.

Names of elements

Then, as for wooden fence supports, 2 horizontal logs made of 50x100 mm timber, pre-treated with an antiseptic, are installed in each span. You can also use a 40x100 mm edged board as lags (veins). Fastening the veins to wooden fence posts or corners on racks is carried out using self-tapping screws.


The basic principles for separating fences with metal elements are a completely made metal fence or another type of fence in which metal is used as a means of decoration. This gradation is very arbitrary, because one of the trends in modern design of country mansions is an organic combination of both.

With polycarbonate

If you look closely at the fences of country houses, the combination of a brick fence with forged elements, fences built from corrugated sheets, and fancy stone or wooden blind barriers prevail.

Despite the assurances of craftsmen about the safety of forged fences, it is the ornate monograms that become natural steps for thieves or ill-wishers.

Therefore, designers tend to use metal elements as decorative components or security elements.

Finished section

A clear demonstration of such features are numerous photographs where peaks, spiers and metal petals are present as an ennobling element. They can make it difficult for not only humans, but also some animals to enter the area.

Sometimes a distinctive feature of a fashionable fence is a wicket or gate with forged elements.

They are carefully reinforced and made with additional safety conditions. At the same time, they catch the eye with functionality (durable, reliable and decorative, although made from standard elements) or with the unique originality of a design forged by a master.

Option with brick pillars

All this is not always a democratic and accessible pleasure:

  • even a simple functional fence is very expensive if it is made of high-quality metal (and it cannot be otherwise, because then there is no point in bothering with such a fence);
  • the option using standard elements for an individual project requires preliminary sketches to decide on a design (an expensive pleasure), and the work of a qualified craftsman who knows how to connect standard elements together;
  • For original work, you need not only a forge, but also an artist who knows blacksmithing. This is a great rarity in modern reality, where everything has long been stamped industrially and put on stream.

With wooden inserts

Even the individual production of a gate can cost a colossal amount. But if it is intended for your own home, which will be passed on to children and grandchildren, then it is worth the money spent.

Installation of a sectional fence

The fastest way to install such a fence is to use ready-made structures. You can buy sections of planks, which are already painted with durable high-quality paints and varnishes, and posts with suitable fasteners.

It is enough to measure how many meters of fence you will need. Everything has already been calculated in size, making up a complete set, which all that remains is to assemble it, like a construction set. It's more expensive, but very convenient and fast.

The photo shows a beautiful hedge.


Types of fences with forging elements

The main differentiation of such fences is made not by the type of material on which the decorative elements are placed, but by the method of their manufacture.

Brick pillars

This is explained by the fact that decorative metal jewelry is made in only two ways:

  1. Cold, when metal parts are bent, curled and modified using special tools. This is a great opportunity for creativity, forging with your own hands, a way to decorate your own building with iron parts, and stylize it in a certain decorative direction. However, this method of manufacturing elements for a future fence also has negative sides. This is a more labor-intensive process that requires considerable effort, even if professional tools are at hand. But truly beautiful things are rarely obtained this way. Iron is difficult to work in cold form and makes it possible to turn sketched sketches into reality forever.
  2. The most beautiful things are made from forged metal. Such products are much more expensive because they require special conditions: heat, a forge, a set of tools. This manufacturing method is called hot or forged. It is this method that creates the most spectacular designs, on which seams and defects are rarely visible. There is only a complete impression, the embodiment of human skill and the plasticity of heated metal, which takes any shape when hot.

Example with polycarbonate


Such a fence, according to experts, cannot be built without a welding machine. If it is not at hand, it is better to entrust the construction to specialists with the appropriate equipment. The construction of a welded metal fence usually involves purchasing ready-made sections that are fastened together by welding.

The peculiarity of modern metal fences in private buildings is the combination of standard structures with rods and elements forged according to individual sketches.

Beautiful fence

A welded fence allows you to minimize the field of view from the street, while simultaneously providing the required stylization and decorativeness. This fence has many bonuses:

  • it can be used indefinitely if the composition of the metal is chosen correctly and the components are properly combined;
  • incredibly difficult to break or damage;
  • it is impossible to set fire even with a great desire;
  • you don’t have to worry about fungus or mold;
  • There is practically no need to repair or process to preserve the surface.


You can calculate how much it will cost to install a fence made of a regular wooden picket fence on your site yourself or with the help of specialists. Such services using a fence calculator are provided in many large construction stores, as well as by companies that supply materials and perform construction work.

Workers involved in the selection and calculation of materials are well versed in their quality characteristics, cost and can quickly select the appropriate option in terms of price-quality ratio. This saves clients from mistakes and wasting time.

Average cost for 1 linear meter of fencing with a gap of 2 joists with materials and labor:

  • with a section height of 1.5 m - from 1090 rubles;
  • with a section height of 2 m – from 1129 rubles.

Section sketches

Average cost for 1 linear meter of a solid fence on 2 logs with materials and labor:

  • with a section height of 1.5 m - from 1336 rubles;
  • with a section height of 2 m - from 1375 rubles.

How much will such a fence cost?

Some buyers refuse to purchase modern materials because they believe that the purchase will not be cheap. In fact, this is not true. By abandoning expensive wood, manufacturers reduced costs and simplified the technological process. Choose only a reliable company that is responsible for the quality of the products offered. By saving a little, you can purchase low-grade building materials. In this case, you will soon have to spend money on repair work or a complete replacement.

When calculating the final price, it is recommended to take into account the modification of planks you have chosen, the perimeter of the site and the prices of the workers you will hire. There are one-sided and two-sided polymer coatings. One linear meter will cost no more than 2000 rubles. Sturdy wood fencing usually costs more. You can find cheaper options made from corrugated sheets or mesh, but these materials will not look presentable enough. In addition, a metal picket fence will last much longer.

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