Secrets of landscape design of a summer cottage on 5 acres

About 20 years ago, the garden plot was used mainly only for planting vegetables and fruits, but now a lot has changed. Modern gardeners want to create cozy gardens and flower beds on their small piece of land in accordance with all the rules of landscape design. Not everyone can invite a specialist in this field, so most owners of garden plots strive to beautifully decorate their garden plots with their own hands.

According to experts, even a small piece of land can be turned into a unique piece of paradise and the whole family can enjoy its beauty on weekends. We will try to figure out how to properly plan a plot of land of about 5 acres in our article.

Layout of a small summer cottage

If you want to show your design talents in decorating a summer cottage of several hundred square meters, then you need to start making your dream come true with a general layout. The project must include all construction projects that are located on 4-5 acres of land and take into account free space. The best way to design a future design on paper is to divide the site into zones, determine the material capabilities and landscape features of a piece of land.

It is imperative to take into account existing irregularities in the form of elevations or depressions, as well as slides, an artificial or natural reservoir. Most often, a summer cottage usually includes the following objects:

  • house and utility block:
  • garage or parking for vehicles:
  • bath or shower, children's playground;
  • garden, vegetable garden, flower garden, flower bed;
  • landscape design items.

When planning, it is important to imagine the finished look of the garden, to select types of plants that will harmoniously fit into the overall design. Too large plants will be inappropriate on a small plot of land with a small house; they will cover the rest of the vegetation. When choosing plants, it is also worth considering their flowering period, care requirements, and compatibility.

With a few hours of free time and a great desire to create the garden of your dreams, all this can be made a reality. The principle of landscape design is based on creating beauty in combination with various amenities and coziness. Not only the area of ​​space free from buildings is of great importance, but also its shape. Having free space, it needs to be divided into zones that can be active and passive. You will have to work on them the most to decorate and create a special design.

The main point on the plan will be a residential building; based on its location, you need to determine recreation areas .
Usually around the house there are lawns and flower beds, and ornamental shrubs and trees are planted.

Ideas for landscape design of a summer cottage plot of 5 acres

The word “dacha” has long ceased to be associated with hard work and growing vegetables. Today, summer cottages are islands of serenity, relaxation and good rest. Moreover, owners of country houses often compete in the beauty of landscape design created with their own hands. Agree that it is nice to show guests a cozy flowering garden, a comfortable relaxation area and original artificial ponds that decorate personal plots. But in order for the landscape design of the 5-acre plot in the photo to look exactly like this, you should work on transforming it. With a reasonable approach, you can place a recreation area, a small fountain or waterfall on the territory, and also arrange a couple of beds for growing fresh vegetables.

Where to start

First of all, you should move away from the stereotyped perception of the dacha. This territory is not only a place for gardening, but above all, it is an excellent opportunity to test your strength as a designer. The first stage is creating a plan. On a piece of paper, first we draw all the buildings on the territory. After that, we think about what exactly is missing for rest. It could be:

  • cozy gazebo with equipped barbecue area,
  • small pond
  • or a beautiful flower bed.

At this stage, it is very important to plan all the functional areas that should be located on the territory. When planning their location, it is necessary to take into account the importance of each zone. This is necessary in order to allocate sufficient area for a specific area. If you want to set up vegetable beds, you can allocate space for them around the perimeter of the site. Do not forget that the territory of 5 acres is a small area, where special attention should be paid to creating a recreation area.

An important factor at the dacha is the planting of green spaces. Experienced summer residents recommend adhering to the rule: the height of trees and shrubs should increase from south to north. This means that tall trees are planted in the northern part of the site, and shrubs and flowers in the southern part.

Arrangement options

To make the landscape design of a 5-acre dacha plot look beautiful and cozy in the photo, you should create comfortable garden paths. This element of arrangement can become one of the most striking design techniques. The layout of the paths depends on the location of buildings on the dacha area. It is recommended to lay paths past those places that turned out to be particularly picturesque and colorful. Remember that paths in the garden should be smooth, without sharp turns. This is necessary so that guests have the opportunity to fully appreciate the originality of the landscape design on your site. Given the small area, the paths cannot be made too narrow; their width should be at least one and a half meters. To prevent rainwater from stagnating on the paths, a slight slope should be made on both sides.

The material for making garden paths can be anything. The choice depends on the style of design of the territory, on the material capabilities and preferences of the owners of the dacha. Paths made of natural stone, decorative tiles, sand and gravel, laid out in the form of a mosaic, look beautiful in landscape design.

To make the site look beautiful not only during the day, but also in the evening, you need to think about the location of the lamps. The lighting of the area should be sufficient, but not excessively bright. The most suitable light sources for creating illumination in the area are built-in lamps.

They are placed along steps, railings, and on posts near paths. By the way, today you can find a lot of decorative columns on sale that will become an additional decoration for your dacha area.

One of the interesting design ideas is the use of decorative figures. Landscape design of 5 acres cannot include a large number of characters, but several original gnomes may well decorate the site. Even stumps from old felled trees can be painted with bright colors, thereby decorating the area.

Of course, the landscape design of 5 acres in the photo should consist of numerous green spaces. You can use coniferous trees and shrubs, bright flowers to create a flower bed and, if desired, garden crops to grow fresh vegetables. When placing plantings, we take into account the features of the landscape. If there is a hillock, use it to create an original composition.

Along the fence, you can plant fruit bushes, which will further decorate the area. To make a 5-acre plot of land look even more attractive, use as many flowering plants as possible. It is recommended to select varieties that will ensure flowering from early spring to early autumn. Vertical flower beds made of climbing plants look quite original.

In conclusion, we note that in order to create a beautiful landscape design in a small area, you should consider the appropriateness of using each detail. Much attention should be paid to the arrangement of the recreation area and the location of green spaces.

By combining flowering plant varieties, neatly designed functional areas and properly located light sources, you will get a beautiful design for your summer cottage.


Registration of a plot of land

To many, it may immediately seem like a very difficult task to register a small plot of land of about 5 acres. In fact, on a small area of ​​land it is much easier to create a small garden with a cozy seating area near the house with your own hands. Besides this, there are also other advantages:

  • ease of care and maintenance;
  • small cash investments;
  • saving time for improving areas.

In addition to residential buildings, an important place in the planning and design of landscape design is given to small architectural structures. They will draw attention to themselves; you need to take into account their style and size . Such buildings include:

  • playgrounds;
  • baths;
  • gazebos;
  • wells;
  • B-B-Q.

A successful landscape design will be one that always looks attractive and lively at any time of the year, warm or cold. There should not be too many architectural structures, so as not to overload the general background; it is desirable that they have an interesting shape and be multifunctional.

When creating zoning, it is better to avoid straight lines ; when they are curved, any landscape design will look more aesthetically pleasing. By looking through photos on various sites, you can find great design ideas with or without ready-made buildings. Having carefully studied them, you need to take something as a basis and create a design for your summer cottage, taking into account its buildings and free space.

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The initial stage of designing the site design

Regardless of the area of ​​the territory, you need to decide on the most suitable type of layout, of which there are several varieties:

Rectangular. Involves placing all objects at right angles to each other. Compliance with clear geometric shapes is a prerequisite. It is used most often, since most areas are rectangular or square in shape.

Diagonal . Allows you to visually expand and lengthen the space. It looks impressive and does not require special design skills.

Round. Within its framework, all design elements must have a round shape. Creating harmonious, smooth lines often requires the involvement of professionals. If you have free time and artistic taste, you can do it on your own.

Free. With a complete absence of rules for the location of all design components and the ability to combine any schemes. It is the best option for independent reproduction, since it does not require strict control over plant propagation and adherence to strict proportions.

Having chosen one or another layout, you need to decide which zones will be used when creating the landscape design of a 10-acre dacha plot with your own hands.

The photos below show different ways to delimit the territory depending on the purpose for which it is planned to be used. This could be a summer cottage intended exclusively for recreation, for growing vegetables and fruits, or a combined option, which is the most common.

Creating cozy relaxation areas

Any project may include, in addition to a house and other construction projects, several important components:

  • water features;
  • paths;
  • plants and flowers;
  • lighting;
  • fencing;
  • decorative elements.

The terrain is of great importance, as well as the distinctive features of the land. Immediately you need to think about the lighting system, and, if necessary, design the direction of the drainage ditches.

Surely during construction there will be some earth left over, which can be used to create an alpine slide with your own hands. You can add a small pond to it if the area is already supplied with water. The mound can be decorated with stones or a podium can be created there for a small but bright flower garden. Numerous photos of flower beds and alpine slides can give you an idea, so you just need to use your imagination.

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