Installation of automatic watering systems

Any suburban area in Kazan needs regular and complete watering. Turnkey automatic watering of your plot will allow you to transfer all your worries to automation and forget about walking around the garden with a pump or watering cans. A modern automatic watering system can cover your entire garden: a rolled lawn, flower beds, fruit trees, and even a vegetable garden and a greenhouse. All plants on your site will receive the amount of water they need without your participation; for this you need to install an automatic irrigation system and configure it.

Advantages of professional automatic watering

On the Internet you can find diagrams for creating automatic watering for your area with your own hands. However, you should understand that if you organize irrigation yourself, you will not get the quality of irrigation that professional systems provide.

When creating an automatic watering system with your own hands from scrap materials, it is only possible to establish a water supply to the plants, but not to create a smart system that will itself decide how much and when watering is needed, based on current weather conditions. And modern systems, equipped with weather sensors and an electronic controller for controlling garden irrigation, can do all this

In addition, professional irrigation products are guaranteed, as is the work of the installers. Self-created systems often fail due to low-quality materials and assembly errors. Due to breakdowns, the garden is flooded with water in one zone and lack of watering in another, as a result the plants suffer. But when installing high-quality equipment for automatic irrigation, such situations are practically excluded.

How not to ruin your landscape design and plants with automatic watering

With all the conveniences and delights of using an automatic watering system for the owner, there are interesting points of view both from the gardener or landscape designer, and from the contractor who installs the automatic watering system on the site. In order for your garden to be most protected from both lack of moisture and waterlogging, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the basic rules that have successfully proven themselves not only in areas in the Moscow region, but throughout Russia.

Rule 1. Carefully select equipment for your automatic watering system

Most incompetent design firms, following the customer’s lead or based on the “cheaper-more-faster” principle, focus on reducing the total cost of the auto-irrigation system estimate due to incorrect selection of equipment. You can often see projects with a large number of dry areas, watering all parts of the site with the same type of sprinklers, or their incorrect location in relation to the plants.

The operation of such systems on the site leads to problems with plants or lawns due to the wrong type of watering. Here are just some of the consequences you may face due to design and coordination errors:

  • flowers are watered by sprinkling - the buds quickly bloom and wither;
  • the lawn grass in the shady area “squishes” underfoot due to an excess of water when watering;
  • A powerful stream of sprinkler directed into the crown of a tree causes fungal diseases and death of the trunk, etc.

Such systems, once put into operation, have to be redone and replaced with different types of equipment, made the correct settings, and installed additional irrigation zones. All of this entails additional costs that could have been avoided with smart initial irrigation system design.

By creating an automatic irrigation system, the price of which consists not only of the equipment, but also of the cost of assembly work, excavation work and delivery, you can always find solutions to reduce the cost of some items in the estimate. But not on saving materials and equipment for organizing irrigation on the site.

All garden plants should be divided into zones. And for each zone, the necessary equipment must be selected that meets the correct technical characteristics for a given area. Typically this is:

  • water flow parameters;
  • type of irrigation;
  • principle of installation on site.

Therefore, the customer or landscape designer should pay attention to the project at an early stage and agree on all factors for the selection of equipment.

Rule 2. Don’t forget about monitoring and seasonal maintenance of equipment

Like any engineering system, automatic watering requires periodic maintenance. It is better to trust all these manipulations to specialists from a company that professionally installs automatic irrigation systems. Options for independent seasonal maintenance are also possible, but for this it is worth setting aside time and being prepared for emergency situations and “wet work.”

After all, if the autumn scheduled pipe purging implies the maximum elimination of water from the equipment, then the spring start-up is based not only on the water supply, but also on adjusting the sprinklers and checking their operation before the start of the season. In principle, all methods are good, but it is important to understand the consequences.

Simple visual control is also important. For example, make it a habit to periodically check to see if your lawn or soil under your plants is moist, if there are any dry spots in the irrigation area of ​​your drip lines, if the water tank is full, and if the power light on your pump or controller is on.

We are not advocating doing this every day, but as a periodic process it is a necessary practice. After all, if a problem is quickly discovered, you can always call the company that installed the automatic watering and over the phone get a comprehensive answer on which button to press and what to do, or call a specialist to quickly fix the problem.

All these processes do not cause any inconvenience and do not spoil your holiday and stay in a country house. Enjoy the free time you have, do your favorite things and only occasionally pay attention to the quality of watering, which should be ideal in the summer season.

Rule 3. Ensure safe and correct installation of pumping equipment

Most holiday villages are small areas with houses located close to each other. Therefore, there are often cases when the “heart” of an automatic irrigation system, namely pumping equipment, is installed near a utility unit or building that is located next to the windows of your bedroom, or even worse, your neighbor’s bedroom. This is where the “charms of life” begin.

Since the first cycle of the watering program works early (at 5-6 am), the work of the pumping station is heard as if “this miracle” is working right under your bed.

Of course, if the equipment is new, this factor is not so noticeable, but if it wears out or malfunctions, inconvenience and problems may occur. The same thing happens in the evening.

Another problem is unexpected early frosts in the Moscow region. If your irrigation system is turned off and waiting for a scheduled purge, then incorrect installation of pumping equipment will play a fatal role in its operation. In the best case, the electronic board of the pump will need to be replaced, and in the worst case, the pumping equipment itself will need to be replaced.

All this leads to monetary expenses. To avoid this, choose contractors who have ready-made solutions for protection and selection of the right pumping equipment.

What is turnkey automatic watering

Creating automatic irrigation systems requires experience, knowledge and professionalism. In the process of drawing up a project for an automatic watering system and implementing it in practice, our specialists solve the following problems:

  • Measurements of the garden plot, drawing up a site plan;
  • Design and calculation of an automatic irrigation system;
  • Purchase of all necessary equipment for installation;
  • Complete installation of an automatic watering system on the site;
  • Putting the site in order, masking traces of the work performed;
  • Setting up a controller to control irrigation of the site;
  • Instructing owners on how to use the new system.

By ordering turnkey automatic watering for your site, you will not need to select equipment, plan pipe routes, or carry out garden work yourself. Our specialists will do all this for you. You just need to set tasks for our team of workers and accept the finished result.

Moreover, you can contact us for maintenance of installed automatic watering: conservation for the winter and commissioning in the spring, as well as for preventive inspection of operating equipment to prevent defects. You can also call us to receive advice on system operation and automatic irrigation management.

To calculate a turnkey automatic irrigation system, a specialist visit to your site in Kazan is required. Only after measuring the territory and drawing up its plan is it possible to calculate the automatic watering system and draw up an estimate. One thing we can say for sure: installing a turnkey automatic watering system is profitable.

You'll immediately notice how much lower your water bills will be. If you previously used a pump for irrigation, you were using most of the water inefficiently. Automatic sprinklers deliver small amounts of water directly to the roots of plants, which helps save money. In addition, by ordering a professional irrigation system, you will receive uninterrupted operation of the equipment throughout its entire service life, and you will not have to spend money on repairs.

The best choice for irrigating your site is to install an automatic irrigation system. The capabilities of modern systems make it possible not only to give each plant the amount of water it needs at the set time, but also to adjust the schedule taking into account weather factors - for example, cancel watering after rain.

Our specialists are ready to design and install a turnkey automatic watering system for you with a guarantee of quality work. We service sites in Kazan and Tatarstan and can install turnkey automatic watering not only for a private house or cottage, but also for the territory of an enterprise, an administrative building or a city green area, and we also carry out landscaping and landscaping of courtyards of apartment buildings and new buildings.

If you have questions about installing turnkey automatic watering or would like to order this service, call or write to us, and we will be happy to answer you.

To make your suburban area look beautiful and well-groomed, all garden plants must be watered regularly. However, each tree, shrub, and even flower has its own need for nutrient moisture. Some plants need to be watered every few days, while others, such as succulents, need to be watered every few weeks. It is quite difficult to keep all these subtleties in your head if you are watering the area by hand. Therefore, the plants do not look as green and blooming as they could be with proper care.

Frequently asked questions about the automatic watering system

1) How much does it cost to order automatic watering of a plot?


The exact cost of installing a turnkey system can only be determined based on the project. Each site is individual, prices may differ several times due to size, complexity and different volumes of equipment.

2) I have a well. Can the automatic watering system take water from it?


Yes, but this option is not recommended because it creates a regular load on the well pump. It will quickly fail. It is better to install an intermediate storage tank and pump it from the well into it, and then install automatic watering.

3) The site has already been landscaped, plants and a lawn have been planted. Is it possible to install an automatic watering system?


Yes, sure! To do this, you need to draw up a plant plan and design a watering system for it. Narrow trenches are then carefully dug and pipelines are laid. Separately, it is necessary to provide for the removal and restoration of track surfaces if the tracks cross them.

Advantages of automatic watering

By installing turnkey automatic watering, you can set up a program for automatic irrigation of the site. Each plant will receive the amount of water it needs at the required intervals, and you will no longer have to walk around the area with a hose or watering can.

Only professional automatic irrigation systems have the ability to program. Of course, on the Internet or in gardening magazines you can find schemes for arranging a regular supply of moisture to plants. But a homemade automatic watering system does not have the capabilities that are included in the software of professional systems. In addition, automatic watering systems, the installation of which was carried out independently, more often fail and require repair.

Therefore, we recommend to our clients only automatic watering from well-known brands (Hunter, Rainbird, Irritec), which are installed by qualified craftsmen and are under warranty.

Manufacturers of automatic irrigation systems

There are many manufacturers on the market offering prefabricated systems for automatic watering. Among them, two American brands are in demand: Rainbird and Hunter. There are no fundamental differences between the equipment of these companies. Differences in equipment come down to the nuances of operation of specific sprinkler models. Moreover, all elements of the systems of both brands are interchangeable.

Since the equipment is identical from a technical point of view, the deciding factor is usually the price. So, to ZEMLECHIST.” You will get a green lawn, a blooming garden and a rich vegetable garden without putting much effort into it; a professional system and reliable equipment will do everything for you!

Stages of turnkey installation of automatic watering

In order for automatic irrigation of a site to be ideal, the project for installing an automatic irrigation system must be worked out in detail. Turnkey work consists of many stages, each of which is equally important.

Preliminary studies

Before developing a site irrigation plan, it is necessary to draw up a detailed description of it. It is for this purpose that a specialist’s initial visit to the site is carried out. During the preliminary inspection of the territory, it is necessary to collect the following data:

  • Carry out a topographic survey of the site;
  • Draw up a dendroplan (a scale map of the territory showing all available plants);
  • Make a shadow map (lit and darkened areas depending on the time of day);
  • Determine the direction of groundwater flow, places with high and low humidity;
  • Conduct a chemical analysis of the soil;
  • Obtain data on the wind rose in a given area.

Based on the data obtained from a preliminary analysis of the area, watering rates for the plants on the site are calculated. They depend on:

  • Number and type of plants;
  • Illumination;
  • Humidity;
  • Wind directions and speeds;
  • Soil composition;
  • Air temperature and humidity;
  • Relief: slopes and hills;
  • Source of water for automatic irrigation: water quality and expected pressure.

At the same stage, a conversation takes place with the customer, all wishes for the future automatic watering system are written down.

Automatic watering system design

First of all, the owner of the site should decide on the brand and type of equipment that will be installed on the site. We recommend choosing systems from the Hunter brand; this equipment has been recognized as the best in the world among similar products. It is the automatic irrigation system from Hunter that irrigates the lawns on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin.

After choosing an irrigation system manufacturer, you need to decide on the type of sprinklers. They are:

  1. Rotary. They are mounted below ground level, so they are invisible when not in use. When it’s time to water, these devices protrude above the surface and water it, rotating around its axis
  2. Static (fan). Like rotary ones, they are invisible when inactive. During working hours they rise above the ground level, but they irrigate the soil with jets of water beating in one direction
  3. Pulse sprinklers are non-retractable sprinklers that are capable of rotating the jet in a circle

As a rule, the choice of a specific model depends on the shape of the site. The range of action of one sprinkler is small, it is up to 7 meters. Therefore, a plan for their distribution throughout the territory is drawn up in such a way that there are no uncovered areas left. Then the optimal operating mode of the system is calculated.

Next, you need to think over a plan for the location of irrigation pipes leading from the water source to the sprinklers. When planning their course, the terrain of the site and the objects located on it are taken into account. It is necessary to place communications mainly along garden paths and fences; in open spaces they are installed only if the site area is large.

Based on the rate of water consumption by plants, the diameter of the pipes is calculated. The plan shows the location of the solenoid valves and controller, as well as electrical cables. A pump with technical characteristics suitable for the planned system and a tank of the required volume are selected, and water outlets (hydrants) are placed on the plan.

Before implementation in practice, the project undergoes final verification and approval with the customer.

Composition of an automatic irrigation system

1 Water source

This can be a village water supply if it provides sufficient pressure, but in 95% of cases the source of water is a plastic tank (tank) with a volume of 1 - 2 cubic meters. m. The water in such a container settles and heats up, which is certainly good when watering vegetation, for example, in garden beds.

2 Pipe network with valves

When designing, the site is divided into zones, into each of which a separate pipeline is drawn from a HDPE pipe with a diameter of 20 to 40 mm. An electromagnetic valve is installed at the base of each branch, which regulates the flow of water into the pipe.

3 Sprinklers

Depending on the tasks of the automatic irrigation system, static or rotary sprinklers are selected. A wide range of nozzles from the manufacturers RainBird and Hunter allows you to adjust the required angle and distance of the jet.

4 Pump unit

It is selected individually during design, taking into account the area of ​​the land plot. The pump power must be sufficient to create internal pressure according to design calculations. The choice of a suitable pumping station depends on several factors, including the source of incoming water, which may be a storage tank, a well or a central water supply system.

5 Controller

This device controls the opening of valves on pipes according to a pre-configured algorithm. The controller is installed on the wall of the house or in the boiler room; you can connect to it from a mobile phone via Wi-Fi to control and configure the automatic watering system.

Types of irrigation installations and equipment

How to make automatic watering at the dacha? At the stage of drawing up a project for irrigating a plot of land, owners should decide on its type and learn more about what irrigation installations exist. It is possible to install an irrigation system even if the site already has a green lawn, flower beds, shrubs and trees. Craftsmen carefully remove the top layer of soil, lay pipes and lay the turf in place. The main types of irrigation installations include the following:

  1. Sprinkler systems. The basis of such a complex is the supply of water under pressure, which is sprayed over a certain area through special devices in the form of sprinklers. When installing, it is important to take into account 2 main points:
    • correctly determine the installation points of sprinklers, taking into account the fact that the watering radii of adjacent sprinklers must completely overlap. This will prevent the formation of dry areas after watering;
    • choose the right types of sprinklers that can spray water in a circle, only in a certain square/rectangle, or have variable geometry.

  2. When choosing sprinklers and their installation locations, take into account the recommendations of our company’s specialists, who make an accurate calculation taking into account the configuration, area and geometry of your site.

  3. Drip. The principle is that water is supplied in doses and exclusively to the roots of plants. Most often it is used when watering plants in vegetable gardens and flower beds. Among the advantages are the economical consumption of water and the absence of the need for strong pressure, since it can be supplied by gravity from a container located at a height of 1.5 - 2 meters.

    To organize such an irrigation system in the country house and garden, drip tapes are used, which are tubes with holes through which water seeps in drop by drop. When choosing a dropper, be sure to take into account the pitch of the holes (they can be located at a distance of 10, 20, 30 and 50 cm from each other). An important component of the drip line is a filter that purifies the supplied water, eliminating the risk of clogging the holes to the drip tape.

  4. Underground. Quite an interesting method of irrigation, the operating principle of which is similar to drip irrigation. A tube with slot-like or round holes is buried at a depth of 10 to 20 cm, depending on the type of plant. In practice, such a system is quite difficult and inconvenient to maintain. For it, you should use a special drip tape with protection of the holes from clogging, as well as a durable structure to eliminate the risk of squeezing the tube under the weight of the earth.

Regardless of the irrigation system you choose, we use only certified installations from American manufacturers Rainbird and Hunter. Installation is carried out in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations.

Installation of an automatic watering system

Before proceeding with the installation of an automatic irrigation system, the territory is marked. The plan is transferred to the real site, the following are indicated on it:

  • Locations of sprinklers and outlets for drip irrigation;
  • The course of the trenches in which the pipes will lie;
  • Location of boxes for solenoid valves;
  • Location of the pump and water tank.

Then trenches 30-40 cm deep are manually laid. If there is a rolled-up lawn on the site, the top layer of turf is carefully removed. Pipeline and cable are laid in the trenches. Next, sprinklers, drip irrigation equipment, and solenoid valves are installed. Lastly, the tank, pump and devices for automatic operation of the system (controller and sensors) are installed. At the same stage, the controller is configured, that is, the required irrigation mode is programmed.

As soon as all the equipment for automatic watering is located in its place and connected to each other, the system is connected to communications - water supply and the electrical network. The functioning of the equipment is checked. If necessary, water leaks from the system are eliminated. If everything is in order, the pipeline is pressurized and then the trenches are buried. The rolled lawn returns to its place.

After this, the sprinkler plugs are removed and the nozzles are installed. The automatic watering system is being retested.

All equipment comes with a 1-year warranty. If hidden manufacturing defects are detected, failed parts are replaced with new ones free of charge.

Maintenance of the installed system

Installation of turnkey automatic watering systems includes not only planning and installation of equipment, but also its periodic maintenance. We know that the main purpose of installing automatic irrigation is to save time for the owners of the site, so we are ready to completely take on the worries associated with irrigation of the site, namely:

  • Preservation of the installed system for the winter;
  • Commissioning of equipment in the spring;
  • Help in setting up the controller;
  • Re-planning of the system when changing the landscape design of the site;
  • Repair of equipment after the warranty period expires;
  • Replacement of worn-out parts with similar new or improved models.

As you can see, installing a turnkey automatic watering system is a rather complicated process. In order for the system to function like clockwork, it is necessary that all stages of planning, installation and maintenance of the system are carried out by qualified specialists. These are the people who work at GreenStroyService. We are ready to come to your aid and solve your problem with the need for high-quality irrigation of your site, taking on any related tasks - from planning future irrigation to regular maintenance of the installed system.

If you want to order turnkey installation of an automatic watering system or have any questions about this service, call us and we will definitely help you.

During the summer heat, even a small area of ​​lawn or flower garden requires abundant and regular watering, which often becomes an additional burden for the owner of the site.

An automatic watering system is a convenient, prestigious, and most importantly modern way to solve the problem of regular care of decorative green spaces. Since the advent of automatic plant watering systems as a special class of home automation, it has deservedly entered the list of one of the most necessary things on a landscaped garden plot.

Installed irrigation complex on a personal plot in the city of Kazan.

The main task of an automated irrigation system is to irrigate the required areas of artificially cultivated green spaces in a fully automatic mode, that is, without your participation, at a certain frequency: lawns, shrubs, large trees, alpine slides and other plant forms of “green” design.

The automation will turn on the automatic watering complex strictly at the specified time, and in the event of precipitation, it will be intelligent enough to turn it off. Modern site irrigation systems provide the possibility of intelligent control via wireless networks and even via cellular communication channels, from portable mobile devices such as a smartphone or tablet, which fits perfectly into the popular concept of a “smart home” controlled by the “Internet of Things”.

All that will be required upon completion of the installation of automatic irrigation is the initial setup of the equipment, which will be competently performed by a professional.

Installation of irrigation systems

Our company Smart Watering performs a full cycle of work, including installation of systems such as turnkey automatic watering in Moscow and the Moscow region. Installation of automatic watering is one of the most important stages when creating a system. When planning the installation of the system, you need to take into account one important key point - installation can be carried out both on an area with or without plants, but the main condition is that the area is planned. If the plot of land is not graded, then the effectiveness of installing the system is reduced to zero, since it is impossible to accurately determine the height at which sprinklers will need to be installed. When installed correctly in a planned area, the sprinklers are mounted flush with the ground surface and do not interfere with walking on the lawn in the future. If for some reason grading is carried out after installation of the system, there is a high risk of damage to sprinklers, pipes and valve boxes. We pay special attention to this point, and if your site has not yet been fully planned, then it is better to wait a little for the land planning to be completed and then install an automatic watering system. If the planning of the site is completed, then you can order the installation of automatic watering from our company by leaving a request for a system calculation in our “Make an order” section. The cost of installing an automatic irrigation system in the Moscow region is presented in our price section here.

  • Transferring the drawing to the site and marking the territory

At this stage, we transfer the markings from the design documentation drawing, generated at the design stage, to the site using aerosol paint. Thus, we accurately implement what was agreed upon with the Customer and how the irrigation system was conceived by the designer.

  • Excavation and installation of piping systems

We carry out this work not only in areas where there are no plants yet, but also in areas where the lawn has already been laid out and various crops are bearing fruit in full. Our experience and professionalism in Moscow and the Moscow region allows us to quickly and efficiently open lawn coverings without any consequences. Upon completion of all work, the site takes on the same appearance as it had before our arrival. This is achieved due to the fact that lawn arrangement has a very specific technology. In particular, to install the system, we remove the soil layer by layer, for example, first we remove the layer of soil directly from the lawn and lay it out in rectangular pieces on the film. Then we remove the next layer of soil and also lay it on the film. As a result, we get a trench about 40 cm deep and 30-40 cm wide. These dimensions are enough to lay the pipeline system underground and at the same time it will not interfere in the future. After installing the irrigation system, the soil is backfilled in the reverse order. In this way, we preserve the original appearance of the lawn.

  • Assembling the water supply source assembly

After we have decided on the type of water supply source during the design, we connect the main pipeline to the purge unit, filters and then to the water supply source itself. When using any source (except for the central water supply), the system uses a self-watering pump as the main driving force of water. Thus, the entire automatic watering system is connected to a pump, which provides the necessary pressure and water flow in the system. You can see other features of the automatic watering system in our article about designing irrigation systems.

  • Elements of the irrigation system, connection to pipelines and configuration of these devices

At this stage, we connect and configure devices such as sprinklers, drip hoses, solenoid valves, humidity sensors, rain sensors, weather stations, water outlets, etc. In fact, we complete the assembly of the system and configure it as it was intended during design. Each sprinkler must be configured to work specifically in a specific location on the site, since these devices have the ability to adjust the irrigation radius within certain limits. The solenoid valves must be connected with wires, which will subsequently be connected to the auto-irrigation controller.

  • Automatic watering unit, its installation, connection, controller programming

Installing the controller and connecting it to the solenoid valves is an important step, since it is from this moment that the system becomes smart, so to speak, it begins to have a brain that controls the auto-watering system. In order for it to become truly smart, the controller is programmed according to the project documentation and the Customer’s requirements, and humidity sensors, a rain sensor and a weather station are also connected to it.

  • Carrying out commissioning work

After the entire system is assembled, programmed and configured, we perform tests to make sure that it works correctly and fulfills all planned scenarios. At the end of this stage, our Customer can accept the work and enjoy the automatic watering system, which does all the routine work of watering the lawn and the rest of the territory for him.

After acceptance of the system, do not forget about periodic maintenance of automatic irrigation - conservation/re-preservation in the autumn and spring. Our company also provides these services at very affordable prices in Moscow and the Moscow region. The price list for services, including installation costs, can be found in our “Our Prices” section. Contact us and we will definitely help you!

Automatic watering systems

Automatic lawn watering will help keep your plants in great shape

Here is a far from complete list of the advantages and capabilities of automatic watering systems:

  • Irrigation systems evenly moisten the soil.
  • Different corners of the garden or personal plot, if necessary, can be saturated with different amounts of moisture, determined by software;
  • Automatic water supply and control of watering of green spaces using climate control equipment allows you to significantly save water;
  • The entire complex can be integrated into any landscape design idea, without interfering at all with green spaces, lawns, or other technical means of landscaping the site - such as, for example, street lighting;
  • The automatic watering system is capable of carrying out assigned (programmed) tasks for a long time, without the direct participation of the owners.

Installation and configuration of the system

The installation of automatic watering must first of all be correctly designed, as they say, “from scratch,” taking into account the fact that it will be necessary to lay underground communications in the form of supply pipes and control valves.

One of the stages of installing automatic irrigation: laying the pipeline in the ground

At the initial stages of installing automatic watering, it is necessary to determine the connection points to water and electricity. Already existing sources of water supply to the site do not always cope with the assigned tasks, therefore it is necessary to provide for the placement of a storage tank, the volume of which will depend on the area of ​​the site and the number of irrigated zones. Zoning, that is, the allocation of individual clusters with special automatic watering regimes on the territory of a site, can be determined by various factors, such as individual watering rates for each type of plant, as well as the prevention of excessive water consumption, or, conversely, non-spillage, rolled lawn or individual components of the landscape site design.

Utilities for the automatic watering system are laid shallow, with additional insertion or installation of new equipment. Sensors, controllers, and solenoid valves use low voltage, which makes their daily operation safe.

Some customers are trying to save money by reducing the number of components. This is wrong, because the installation of automatic irrigation is carefully designed based on professional norms, standards and requirements, and is also linked to the landscape project, and an unreasonable reduction in the number of sprinklers or irrigated areas can lead to local “no-spillage”, as a result of which the lack of moisture in these places will lead to death plants.

All of the above allows us to confidently assert that installing an automatic irrigation system is a rather painstaking task that requires the participation of professionals. Our specialists will be happy to solve this problem for you.

Where can I buy a watering system?

Purchasing an automated irrigation system is a technically complex process. It would be best to entrust it to professionals from the Green Stroy Service company

It is not enough to buy a system like “Auto-watering”. It has a number of features, including those related to territorial features, the nature of the climate of our city and the surrounding areas. The sharp and often unpredictable nature of weather changes, impressive temperature changes, often reaching values ​​of the order of 15 - 20 degrees Celsius in just a few hours, impose additional requirements on the design and implementation of automatic irrigation systems in Kazan - in particular, it is recommended to pay special attention to the frost resistance of plastic and rubber components of the hydraulic part sold in our region, automatic lawn watering systems.

Do not forget about the need to preserve the entire system before the winter period, as well as the reverse procedure - that is, to start the system in the spring. Thus, basic blowing will expel residual water from the system and prevent freezing and, as a consequence, rupture of pipes, connections, and sprinklers. It is better to entrust these types of work to specialists and then it will last for decades.

Our company provides professional installation and maintenance of automatic watering systems in Kazan and the surrounding areas. Contact us, we will be happy to help you!

Calculation of the cost of watering at the dacha

Irrigation areaApproximate cost for an automatic system (excluding tank and surface pump)
5 acres≈ 85 000 ₽
10 acres≈ 160 000 ₽
20 acres≈ 320 000 ₽
30 acres≈ 480 000 ₽

Draw your attention to! The area indicated is the irrigation area, not the total area of ​​the site.

Prices are based on options: up to 10 acres - 17,000 ₽/area, from 10 acres - 16,000 ₽/area. If the parameters of the water source, for example a country water supply, are insufficient, a pump and a container will be required - this will increase the cost by approximately 75,000 rubles.

All areas are different and have their own individual characteristics, and you probably have your own wishes. Therefore, send us a plan with the plants shown (including the vegetable garden), indicated sizes and comments, and in return you will receive a calculation of the exact cost with all costs and the arrangement of watering equipment from the manufacturers Hunter or Rain-Bird, which you can choose from.

For the most accurate calculation, a dendroplane is used. You will receive a response letter with an offer within 24 hours Submit site plan

Location of the automatic watering system on the site

Each site has its own characteristics. Different plants also require different types of watering. When organizing irrigation at your dacha, you need to take all these points into account, but in general, you can set up an irrigation system on any site. Suitable for flower beds, vegetable gardens and ordinary lawns.

The main thing: you need to organize the system so that water gets evenly to all the right places. Some areas should not be allowed to become overly flooded and others to dry out.

Before starting work on installing the structure, you need to draw a plan of the entire site, mark the buildings and plant locations on it. After installation of the system, control runs are carried out and the irrigation radius is monitored.

If water does not reach some areas, the arrangement of the elements is changed. This is how the final optimal option for arranging the parts of the irrigation system is selected.

In various photos of automatic irrigation systems, you can see examples of the location of sprayers in the garden.

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