Why are arches needed?
From the photo of garden arches you can see that this decorative element is very functional. Their shape can be anything. Most often, garden arches protrude:
- Plant support.
- A decorative decorative element that complements the style of the site.
- Support for load-bearing pillars.
- An element dividing the territory into zones.
- The basis of a swing or hammock.
Where to put the arch?
Garden arches are just that decorative element that, even alone, will be a “warrior in the field.” Separately installed structures will become a very effective focal point, and it does not matter where they will be used: at the entrance to a private territory or in the vastness of the site. They can “dance” like a stove, creating a unique design for the rest of the landscape.
Garden arch as a spectacular garden accent
An arch on a garden path will look good, especially if the latter runs through a green lawn. Make it bright, eye-catching, maybe snow-white. On a green background it will look simply gorgeous.
Snow-white arch against the background of green lawn
Under the canopy of garden arches entwined with plants, you can arrange a cozy swing. A series of such structures can also be placed along the central alley, or a decorative element can be made in a single copy and sent to a secret, secluded corner of the site. It is beautiful and functional, because it perfectly protects from the heat, calms the nerves and gives pleasure from spending time on a soft sofa.
Cozy garden arch with swing
Do you want to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages? Then think about garden arches made of stone. The landscape composition will be truly bewitching and even a little mystical.
Garden arch made of stone in medieval style
A separate sub-item is worth highlighting the justification for using arches when decorating fences in their entrance part, because it is from here that the tone for the decor of the rest of the territory begins to be set.
Garden arch at the entrance of the fence
Materials for making arches
When choosing materials, it is necessary to take into account the overall style of the site. The arch for the dacha should be combined with other decorative elements.
Wooden arches
Wooden arches are rightfully considered traditional. Combinations of different types of wood allow you to create very beautiful designs. They are quite easy to decorate, and the cost of the finished product is very low.
The disadvantage of wooden arches is their fragility. In addition, they are light in weight, which is why they can sway from gusts of strong wind. Measures must be taken regularly to prevent wood from rotting.
Arch portals made of wood
These wooden arched structures are U-shaped, often with rounded corners. At first glance, an inconspicuous counter can modify and complement the existing interior, adding a touch of luxury and sophistication to it. You can make such a structure with your own hands for high-tech and minimalist style rooms.
For interior door passages, rounded wooden bases are used. It’s easy to make a bend in such a design with your own hands using arched platbands. The finished structure can be decorated with wood carvings, glass, and mirror elements. Shelves, niches and other openings can also be attached to the side of the platband. Such wooden structures are most suitable for low-rise apartments. For the owner, this is an excellent opportunity to expand the living space with his own hands and without much labor.
Arches made of stone
Arches made of stone are the most durable. They look great in spacious areas.
You should not make stone arches in small yards with simple wooden houses, as they will look out of place. To install a durable structure, it is better to use the services of a mason.
For production, you can use natural and artificial stones or bricks. If desired, the laid out arch can be plastered.
DIY wooden arch
Ready-made decorative designs offered for sale most often have a semi-circular shape and classic decor in the form of flutes. That is, they are ideal for interiors in the style of classicism. But what if the interior design uses Moorish or Moroccan style? Order the production of this decorative element in a carpentry workshop or try to make it yourself.
Is it possible to make a wooden arch with your own hands using step-by-step instructions with photos and videos? Theoretically, yes - after all, in a carpentry workshop, a master will make the ordered product with his own hands. But practically, it’s unlikely that a good video instruction will help you, in which this same carpenter shows in detail the process of manufacturing a wooden arched structure using a milling, jointing, two circular machines, as well as a manual router and a miter-bevel machine, if the specified equipment is at your disposal No. Although, all operations can be done without buying carpentry machines, however, the process will be long, but truly, with your own hands.
In short, step-by-step instructions for making a wooden arch come down to the following:
- Making a template
. You will need to make a template that will help you shape the product into the shape you need. The template serves as a support in the process of gluing the arch from individual elements. - Calculation and cutting of workpieces.
Since the arch has a curved outline, it is therefore made up of separate segments. The smaller the size of the segments, the smoother the resulting curve will be. Here you need to take into account the balance: the smaller the size of the segments, the more seams. Having decided on the optimal size of the parts, they need to be trimmed at an angle so that the parts fit tightly into the given template. The cutting angle is also determined depending on the shape of the arch and the size of the parts. - Gluing parts according to a template
. Having assembled the arch “dry” from individual elements, and making sure that everything fits perfectly, you can begin gluing the parts and fixing them with clamps. - Leveling the inner surface
. Even if you used small parts, the inner surface of the arc of the arch will still be a polygon rather than a circle. To reduce the polygon to a circle, you need to cut off the excess. In a workshop setting, a milling machine is used for this purpose. At home, this operation can be done using a hand router and additional equipment for it.
Important! Power tools require careful adherence to safety precautions. Do not risk the integrity of your fingers or other parts of your body.
- Assembling the upper part of the arch
. Using this method, the required number of wooden arches is made. This depends on the depth of the opening in which the arch is installed and on the size of the source material. The template allows you to make identical arcs that are glued together. The final sanding of the arch surface is done manually using sandpaper. - Manufacturing of stand parts
. Vertical straight sections are made from boards of suitable width. If the width of standard boards is not enough, you can use a ready-made furniture panel or splice several boards together.
- Fastening the arched part and the pillars
. The upper part of the arch and the straight sections can be fastened together using a tongue-and-groove joint and the joint reinforced with wooden or metal pins. This operation can be abandoned if it is possible to connect the parts of the arch directly during installation.
At this point, the manufacture of a wooden arch can be considered complete. In addition to the arch itself, additional decorative elements are made: platbands, imitation keystone, “heels” and other details. Wooden surfaces are tinted and varnished or painted.
Advice. If this is your first carpentry project, keep in mind that you may not get the desired result the first time. If you are planning an arch made of valuable types of wood - oak, beech, walnut, then first try to make an arch from a cheaper material, for example, pine boards.
Combined arches
To give the design individuality and improve its characteristics, a combination of various materials is used in the manufacture of arches.
A wooden arch installed on a concrete base looks unique. This design will not be afraid of gusts of wind and adverse weather.
Plants for decorating a garden arch
It’s not enough to just make an arched structure with your own hands, it’s more important to decorate it properly, only then will it become a full-fledged decoration of the garden.
Mesh wooden arch in climbing rose
A variety of climbing plants are used as frames for vertical landscaping, including arches. The most common of them:
- girl's grapes An unpretentious crop, distinguished by green foliage in summer and colorful dark crimson foliage in late autumn;
- clematis. The varietal diversity of these delicate flowers allows you to combine plants of the most unexpected colors;
- climbing roses. They bloom once a year, but very brightly and abundantly. They also have beautiful and richly colored leaves, so they will be an excellent frame for the arch from early summer to late autumn.
No less beautiful edging will be honeysuckle, ivy, campsis, actinidia and wisteria.
Arch shapes
Arches are made in different techniques in arched, straight or gable shapes.
Standard garden arches are arched. A gable arch resembles a roof in appearance, and the rectilinear upper part is absolutely straight.
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To give the site a non-standard appearance, you can install round or semicircular arches in the garden. The latter option looks amazing on narrow passages and alleys.
Photos of garden arches, options for classic designs
A wooden arch is a classic garden decoration option. The naturalness of the material allows the design to be combined with any botanical species.
Also, a wooden arch is in harmony with garden benches, tables, and gazebos. Designed within the framework of one concept, the products form an original stylish ensemble.
You can make a wooden garden arch more interesting with the help of side flower boxes. In this case, it is important to plant botanical species that will match the color and shape of the leaves:
Among classical decorations, the most monumental are arches with a clearly defined domed top.
Places to install the arch
It doesn’t matter where the arch will be installed, near the house, gate or somewhere on the territory, it will always be a spectacular decorative element. Having installed the arch, you can think through the entire further design of the site.
A garden arch placed on a path running through the lawn looks great. It can be done in subtle shades or bright colors that will contrast with the elements around it.
The swing can be installed under an arch entwined with greenery. In this case, you will be able to enjoy relaxing in the shade of plants even on the hottest day. You can place several arches along the path or make only one for the entire area.
A stone arch will help recreate the atmosphere of the Middle Ages.
The most traditional option is to place an arch near the gate.
Manufacturing and installation of the arch
Of course, as usual, there will be those who are not satisfied with either the cost or the appearance of the arches offered for sale, especially those who are skilled in handling wood and carpentry tools.
Let’s make a reservation right away - making vaults yourself in artisanal conditions is not an easy task and will require a certain amount of time and labor.
- The easiest thing to do, perhaps, is to make an arch in a wooden house with your own hands. And if the structure is also frame-panel, then the opening can be provided in advance at the stage of designing wall structures. Yes, in fact, cutting an opening of a certain configuration is not so difficult both in a house made of timber and in a wooden log house.
- Another option is to use DVPO. It is this that easily takes the required shape, after which it is enough to sheathe and decorate the opening.
Note! Wooden interior arches are not a “sentence”; doors can be installed in such openings, but you will either have to make them yourself or purchase them to order.
Garden arch made of wood
The easiest option for beginners would be rounded products. They will allow you to hone your skills and show your imagination. Each garden plot has its own style, and if not, a DIY garden arch will help you create it.
The exterior of the site can be easily decorated with arched products, which will be entwined with colored greenery in warm weather.
Such structures in the garden can perform not only a decorative function, but also serve, at the same time, for:
- Growing climbing plants: Grapes.
- Clematis.
- Roses, etc.
You can make original frames from the simplest materials, using simple country tools. Logs, large diameter branches left over from pruning, beams, etc. will be used. In general, any wood is useful, always stored in some quantity by zealous owners.
In combination with a bench, the arch will become your family’s favorite place to relax.
The arch design technology is the simplest:
- Selected lumber for the racks (the part that is to be buried in the ground) is processed before installation to protect it from rotting. It would be best to scorch them a little and then cover them with bitumen mastic.
- Then we dig holes for the racks, install supports in them and concrete them to increase stability.
The depth of the hole depends directly on the height of the product - 30-40 cm in depth for every meter in height
- Now we form the vault. The configuration of this element can be very diverse and depends only on the imagination and preferences of the master. This element is securely connected to the supports into a single structure.
- Next is decorating the structure. Wooden garden arches can be decorated with: Weaving from thin branches.
- Sheathing with small or large lathing, etc.
For climbing plants, a metal or plastic trellis should be secured to wooden blocks.
Advice! There is no point in bothering with the special decor of an arch designed to support and guide liana-shaped plants. Over time, the arch will be completely overgrown and the costs of decoration will be hidden under the foliage.
Arched integration
It is possible to place arches not only near the entrance or paths, but also as an element delimiting individual parts of the site.
It is not at all necessary to make the entire arch from one material. In this case, you can safely experiment, implementing non-standard solutions.
A bench can be installed in an arched metal arch. This will make her more attractive and interesting. To create a romantic setting, it is recommended to add a lantern and a few pillows.
Wooden arch: functions of the structure and requirements for execution
The arched design looks very stylish in nature. In addition to decorative functions, it can serve as a support for various botanical species, be part of a hedge, and simply be an architectural accessory.
The arched structure can serve as visual zoning of the site. Such products are collapsible, they can be purchased at any hardware store with a wide range. You can also make a wooden arch with your own hands, using available materials and available drawings.
Before building an arch on a site, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the ergonomic and aesthetic recommendations regarding this type of structure:
- The arch is made taking into account the dimensions of all family members, as well as possible visitors.
- A structure that is too low and narrow will constantly cause inconvenience and injury, especially if it crowns a gate. The width of a standard arch is about one and a half meters, the recommended height is at least 2.5-3 meters;
- The design of the arch is made in such a way that the structure is aesthetically attractive in the autumn and winter periods, when it is open to the views of guests and household members;
- For outdoor accessories, choose materials that can withstand adverse weather conditions. Otherwise, there is a high risk that the rotten structure will collapse at an unforeseen moment.
Arch near the entrance to the house
An arch installed near the entrance to the house looks impressive. This increases the prestige of the building. You can complement the arch with flower boxes.
In addition, such an element will give the structure additional weight, and therefore stability. In addition, the arch near the porch can be supplemented with benches or lanterns.
Multi-element design
It is more difficult when you need to do the installation yourself of a structure that includes several elements. In this case, you will have to work hard not only on securing them to the wall, but also on joining them so that the result is a solid structure without defects.
In this case, the shape of the wood arch can be essentially anything. It is only important to fit it harmoniously into the existing doorway.
It is better to start installing a multi-component structure from the top. In this case, it will be easier to adjust the dimensions so that the product fits in the opening. Further actions are similar to pinning the portal. Only in this case we get one inconsistency. A traditional doorway has a rectangular shape, while a classic arch has an arc shape. If we join them, we get two triangular-shaped holes. Therefore, you will have to take care to close them beautifully and discreetly. Wood, chipboard, MDF and even drywall are suitable for this. The main thing is to then hide these elements under the general decoration of the room.
When assembling structural elements, it is recommended not to immediately tighten the screws so that the products can be adjusted to the desired position. And only when there is a perfect match with the neighboring parts can it be finally fixed. This approach will avoid unpleasant inconsistencies.
All that remains is to paint the arch, open it with varnish, or simply soak it with a special substance that will not change its color, but will only protect it from external factors. In some cases, finishing arches with wood allows you to achieve even more impressive results. This is especially true, for example, for the Baroque style.
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Whatever implementation option is chosen, one thing is clear - solid wood door arches are a stylish, bright and presentable solution to the design idea. And if everything is implemented at the proper level, then harmony and triumph of taste will triumph in the interior, and this is the best praise for good work.
Trellis can be used as decorative elements. They are placed in a flower bed and climbing plant species are planted nearby.
Arches made of thin metal are often made two-level. Such designs are extremely elegant and unique.
You can make a fence of arches to separate the garden from the rest of the area. It will give a fabulous appearance to the site.
Modern versions of arches can be made in any size and painted in the most incredible colors. They transform the entire area, making it more interesting.
Arches with other elements
If you plan to integrate an arch for plants in the garden with a fountain, pond, swing, bench or other elements, you must take into account the size ratio.
It is unacceptable for one element to be very large, and the other, on the contrary, too small. The elements involved in integration must be combined with each other. Ideally, the arch should look like a frame at any distance from the composition.
The depth of the arch will depend on its purpose. If this is a regular supporting structure, then its depth will be minimal.
If the arch is supposed to be used as a roof, then it should be much larger.
Under the spacious arch you can place a relaxation area, playground or swing. It is better that such an arch is not monolithic, but carved. This will allow free air circulation.
If you want to create a portal, then this is the easiest solution to implement. You need to purchase a door frame, but not for installing a door, but with a completely flat front part. Next, using a drill, you need to drill several holes around the perimeter for fastening. It is necessary to mark these points on the opening, for which the structure is applied and marks are made. We drill holes along them using a drill with an impact mode or a hammer drill. All that remains is to insert the dowels. Next, place the box again and secure it with screws.
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All that remains is to decorate the box with platbands. They need to be matched to the color. We take measurements and cut the products at 45 degrees to join the elements. Essentially, you need to cut two doorways to cover the box on both sides.
Landscaping of arches
To garden the arches, you can plant climbing perennials near them. Thanks to their vines, the arch will quickly be filled with fancy green curls. Plants located on arches will grow much better than on the ground.
In addition, a garden arch for climbing plants will make caring for them easier. The ideal choice for decorating arches are:
- climbing rose;
- sweet pea;
- Schisandra chinensis;
- clematis;
- hop;
- grape;
- honeysuckle.
Garden arches are a very attractive element for landscape design. With their help they decorate the garden and give it a mysterious atmosphere.
You should not deprive yourself of such decor. There are a huge number of types of arches. They can be free-standing or part of some kind of structure.
If you wish, you can always find a suitable model on sale. If there is nothing suitable there, then you can make the arch yourself or order its production from specialists.
The main thing when developing a design is not to be afraid to improvise. To get some inspiration, you can look at photos of arches in the garden.
Arches for the garden: functions and basic requirements
Surprisingly, these elegant structures, depending on their location, can radically change a personal plot. With their help, you can create a romantic atmosphere, give the palisade a touch of mystery, aristocracy, or, conversely, emphasize naturalness.
Garden arch entwined with ivy
An arch can be either an independent element of garden design or an effective addition to planting compositions. It can also perform many other functions:
- provide support for plants;
- create an architectural style;
- strengthen and support load-bearing pillars (if located above a wicket or gate);
- divide the garden into zones, for example, separate an ornamental vegetable garden from other plantings;
- can serve as a basis for a children's swing or hammock;
- used for lighting instead of lamp posts (at the entrance to a park or garden) or as a resting place if a bench is mounted next to or directly on the supports of the arch.
Requirements for a garden arch
Since the arch is a multifunctional structure, the requirements for it are high. First of all, it should be:
- made of high-quality durable material that will ensure its resistance to any weather conditions;
- aesthetically pleasing, both entwined with plants and without them. A decorative iron arch or pergolas along the paths looks especially impressive in winter.
- made in accordance with the growth of all members of the family, taking into account the reserve for sagging stems of flowering and fruit-bearing plants.
Photo of a garden arch
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