DIY device for carrying firewood

Types and advantages of wood burning for a bathhouse near it

The combination of the development and landscape of the land plot, the wealth of the owner, and the appearance of the bathhouse determines the type and location of the block for storing a supply of logs.

There are many options for the placement and design of firewood racks near the bathhouse: each steamer brings his own vision of the convenience of using the sauna to the standard design.

exist .

Attached to the wall

The attached woodshed is arranged in the same style as the bathhouse. Particular attention is paid to the roof . It is important that the drain does not leak into the adjacent storage area. Isolation of logs from the log wall should prevent the penetration of wood pests into the structures of the main structure. Fire danger is a significant disadvantage of this arrangement.

Under the same roof

A firewood storage and a bathhouse under a single roof are arranged when logs are the main type of fuel for the steam room.

This option is a special case of constructing a complex structure for a utility block and sauna in accordance with the project developed before construction.

In order for the bathhouse with firewood to fit organically into the design of the buildings on the site, the combination must be planned at the stage of working out the placement of the object.

Carefully! Fire safety with this storage location is given special attention.


The woodshed near the bathhouse is an autonomous woodshed. It is a covered space protected from rain and snow on all sides. The logs are isolated from contact with the ground by a gap of ≥10 cm. The walls should not be too dense - air circulation is carried out through them to dry the firewood in the woodpiles. A positive point: the ability to store brooms prepared for the winter for the steam room.


The portable firewood holder for a bathhouse has compact dimensions, which allows you to carry logs in your hands for 1–2 fireboxes.

Such storage belongs to the short-term category, for the period of warming up the steam room.

The supply of firewood and logs from the mobile basket is consumed quickly; it is not considered as a way to save from precipitation.

Serial with accessories

Serial firewood for logs and bath accessories is offered by many manufacturers at a relatively low price: from one and a half to 5 thousand rubles. This is not only a means for placing firewood, a poker and a scoop near the firebox, but also a thing with artistic features that can enliven the interior. Models of firewood racks made of forged metal are especially attractive.

Each of the listed types of wood burning for a bath has advantages and disadvantages. But under some circumstances, the disadvantages become advantages.

Useful information about outdoor firewood burners

We found out what a firewood rack for a fireplace with your own hands looks like, what projects exist. Now it will be doubly pleasant for you to sit by the fireplace. But that's not all! When it is necessary to organize the storage of a large amount of firewood, a full-fledged firewood shed is built at your dacha. Thanks to it, the products will be reliably protected from precipitation and the negative effects of moisture. The space will be well ventilated, and access to firewood will be significantly simplified.

Street woodcutter

A typical outdoor firewood shed is somewhat reminiscent of its own shed on the property. However, with a little effort, you will end up with a magnificent woodpile that is completely different from anything created before.

  • Selecting a location, preparing a columnar base. You will need to choose a perfectly level place. A slight slope is permissible only when there is a need to ensure uniform drainage of melt or rainwater.
  • Having drawn the perimeter, not very deep holes are dug in the corners. The base is iron pillars, logs, bars. A cushion of crushed stone and sand is built at the bottom of the holes, and after installing the base, everything is filled with concrete mortar.
  • Frame design, wall construction. To make carrying firewood as simple as possible, you need to tie the bottom and top of the structure. The existing diagonals will make the structure more stable.

Important! If metal rather than wood is used as the base, corners are welded onto the pillars. You can also use them for diagonals.

  • The wall material is attached to the frame - for example, lining or planks. It is undesirable to make the walls solid because ventilation will suffer. Always leave at least small gaps. Chain-link mesh is also suitable if you are working with metal. It is best to cover with slate.
  • Roof arrangement. It is advisable to make it lean-to, ensuring a good flow of water back. To achieve this effect, you need to make base bars of different lengths. In addition to slate, as shown in the photo, corrugated sheets and roofing felt, as well as metal tiles, are widely used.
  • Bottom preparation, final stage. In principle, the structure is ready for use - you can bring in firewood and carefully stack it in the woodshed. Only one question remains open - the basis. A tree is a tree, and its contact with the ground is undesirable. Construction pallets are quite suitable as a layer. If there are no pallets at hand, you can use any other materials. For example, weld a grid from reinforcement.

Many owners complain: the firewood box is ready, it’s made to last, but for some reason the firewood in it doesn’t want to hold on and falls. What could be the problem? Don’t chase beauty and don’t make it an end in itself to lay out firewood in the shape of some animal or bird. Simply stack the logs one on top of the other, leaving a minimum of free space between them. If they differ in size, the larger logs are stacked first. The trend is simple: the thinner the wood, the higher it needs to be stacked.

The outdoor woodshed can be either wall-mounted or a separate structure

Woodcutter on the street (video)

Building a firewood shed: how to do it yourself

This type of work is available to anyone who owns a carpentry tool. First you need to decide on the materials and location of the object, and draw a plan.

The procedure for constructing the storage facility is as follows:

Important! Further construction continues after the mortar has set.

The upper contour is constructed in the same way, and the intermediate height is filled with purlins made of 50 mm timber. The finished frame is sheathed with a board 3 cm thick and 15 wide with a ventilation spread of 20 mm . The wood is painted or impregnated with an antiseptic.

The floor is laid along the bottom trim of 40–50 mm boards . There is no need to hang the door.


Types and advantages of wood burning for a bathhouse near it

The combination of the development and landscape of the land plot, the wealth of the owner, and the appearance of the bathhouse determines the type and location of the block for storing a supply of logs.

There are many options for the placement and design of firewood racks near the bathhouse: each steamer brings his own vision of the convenience of using the sauna to the standard design.

exist .

Attached to the wall

The attached woodshed is arranged in the same style as the bathhouse. Particular attention is paid to the roof . It is important that the drain does not leak into the adjacent storage area. Isolation of logs from the log wall should prevent the penetration of wood pests into the structures of the main structure. Fire danger is a significant disadvantage of this arrangement.

Under the same roof

A firewood storage and a bathhouse under a single roof are arranged when logs are the main type of fuel for the steam room.

This option is a special case of constructing a complex structure for a utility block and sauna in accordance with the project developed before construction.

In order for the bathhouse with firewood to fit organically into the design of the buildings on the site, the combination must be planned at the stage of working out the placement of the object.

Carefully! Fire safety with this storage location is given special attention.


The woodshed near the bathhouse is an autonomous woodshed. It is a covered space protected from rain and snow on all sides. The logs are isolated from contact with the ground by a gap of ≥10 cm. The walls should not be too dense - air circulation is carried out through them to dry the firewood in the woodpiles. A positive point: the ability to store brooms prepared for the winter for the steam room.


The portable firewood holder for a bathhouse has compact dimensions, which allows you to carry logs in your hands for 1–2 fireboxes.

Such storage belongs to the short-term category, for the period of warming up the steam room.

The supply of firewood and logs from the mobile basket is consumed quickly; it is not considered as a way to save from precipitation.

Serial with accessories

Serial firewood for logs and bath accessories is offered by many manufacturers at a relatively low price: from one and a half to 5 thousand rubles. This is not only a means for placing firewood, a poker and a scoop near the firebox, but also a thing with artistic features that can enliven the interior. Models of firewood racks made of forged metal are especially attractive.

Each of the listed types of wood burning for a bath has advantages and disadvantages. But under some circumstances, the disadvantages become advantages.

Firewood for a bath: what is the difference?

It would seem that it will also stand on the street - how does this design differ from an ordinary firewood box? Let's figure it out.

Unlike traditional storage, the sauna structure is always smaller and is built next to the entrance to the steam room.

Building some kind of massive barn is completely pointless. You simply build a local shed and put in it the amount of firewood needed for 2-3 fires. A wall canopy is the simplest and most affordable way of arrangement. The approximate number of logs is at the level of human height, but the length can be different and directly depends on the length of the bathhouse itself.

To mark the corners, thick bars or metal rods are driven into the ground. The sides are filled with slats and boards. You can also secure the chain link. Sometimes even two corners are enough - the rest will be replaced by a wall.

Once the walls are ready, you can begin building the floors. In this case, it is also better to make the roof pitched to ensure uniform drainage of water after rain. We lay construction pallets on the bottom or assemble lathing. Our firewood will be placed on it!

Firewood at the bathhouse

Proper storage of firewood is the key to your safety, a good indicator of housekeeping and decoration of your home or site. Firewood racks look especially great in homes. They create comfort, are able to emphasize the individuality of the interior, and ensure order and cleanliness.

Wood drawers are located on either side of the fireplace, bringing symmetry and elegance to the interior

Winter is that time of year when we want to be closer to the warmth, and fireplaces are often the central design elements of living and dining rooms. Their shape, style and size can be very diverse, and you still need to decide on the operating principle of the burner.

If you have a modern gas fireplace installed in your home, you need to take care of a supply of firewood that would be enough for the entire cold season.

Few people think about the design of woodpiles and chests when installing a fireplace, but today’s review of the Design Museum is intended to draw attention to this important part of the decor.

Firewood box custom made for this living room

Going beyond mere functionality, modern wood boxes can add distinctive style and texture to an interior. Whether it’s a living room, kitchen, bedroom or veranda, an originally designed woodpile becomes a real highlight of the program. We bring to your attention 30 exquisite ways to decorate firewood storage at home.

A scenic woodpile visually limits the height of furnishings in this modern living room

A fireplace and a floating firewood box divide the space between the living and dining areas.

Grand fireplace made of rough stone with wood storage below

The variety of textures within one living room provides its special aesthetic appeal

The compact firewood compartment is designed so elegantly that it seems like just an original decorative element

A woodpile adds texture to this monochrome dining room.

How to store firewood in a woodpile

Storing logs in the woodshed is not difficult. Damage to wood is easy to avoid; this will allow you to use dry fuel for a long time. The main thing: adhere to simple rules, compliance with which does not take much time and effort. In order for the logs to last longer, it is important to take such measures.

Fans of bathhouses approach the issue of its arrangement quite scrupulously, trying to create all the amenities in order to take a steam bath to their heart's content. Any firewood burner with good ventilation and protection from moisture - made independently or purchased in a store, large capacity or compact - will help you always have dry fuel on hand without disturbing the neatness of the room or area. The secret to the popularity of wooden structures is their practicality and affordability, and forged ones are attractive because they can be installed both inside and outside the bathhouse.

A woodpile can become not only a storage space for firewood, but also an element of the design of the site.

Photos of woodsheds for a summer residence with your own hands

A country-style cottage will only benefit from a unique design solution - a whole wall of logs.

It’s not difficult to turn several old barrels into a firewood shed, and the structure looks very impressive:

A small firewood shed with a supply of fuel for the barbecue can also serve as a shelving unit:

If you have the talent and opportunity, you can create a small forged firewood box with your own hands. It will serve as an original decoration for the dacha, but only ready-made, already dried logs are placed in it.

Large metal firewood burners are suitable for drying and long-term storage of fuel in the country:

Original designs of stationary and mobile woodsheds:

Important! For ease of use of the woodshed, some of the logs are laid out according to size and type of wood.

Building a firewood shed: how to do it yourself

This type of work is available to anyone who owns a carpentry tool. First you need to decide on the materials and location of the object, and draw a plan.

The procedure for constructing the storage facility is as follows:

Important! Further construction continues after the mortar has set.

The upper contour is constructed in the same way, and the intermediate height is filled with purlins made of 50 mm timber. The finished frame is sheathed with a board 3 cm thick and 15 wide with a ventilation spread of 20 mm . The wood is painted or impregnated with an antiseptic.

The floor is laid along the bottom trim of 40–50 mm boards . There is no need to hang the door.

Woodshed location

First of all, you need to choose a place to build a structure; the only criterion is rationality. The structure for storing wood should not be visible, but at the same time it should be located closer to the house, because firewood needs to be carried. Also, in the optimal case, there should be an entrance to the woodshed so that transportation of natural fuel is as simple and convenient as possible.

If the house or the fireplace inside it does not need wood, then it is better to locate the building closer to the bathhouse. Before choosing the right place to build a structure, you need to take a sheet of paper and a pencil, schematically depicting the site plan. Thanks to this, you can compare several options, choosing the optimal location for the woodshed. It is best to place it on a hill, since moisture constantly accumulates in the lowlands, which negatively affects the tree. The woodshed can serve as an extension to a bathhouse, barn or private house, and can also be erected as a separate structure.

Firewood options for the home

Forged coasters - the choice of aristocrats

An effective option that needs no comment. It is difficult to find a more presentable and stylish design than this one.

Wrought iron firewood box

However, you must understand that a metal firewood box weighs a fair amount. To reduce weight, the bottom of the stand can be replaced with a grid. Naturally, this affects practicality. In fact, the stand has no bottom, which means pieces of bark and various dust will spill onto the floor. That is why, when choosing between weight and functionality, most users choose the second option.

Of course, some models may be prohibitively expensive. In this case, you just need to look for a more affordable option. And he is - you can be sure.

Braids - folk-style firewood

You don’t have to buy a stand or have it made for a lot of money. You can easily adapt a basket woven from grape or willow vines.

Do you have an elegant rattan basket lying around in the attic? Just look how impressive she looks in the photo.

Portable rattan firewood

A wicker made of metal rods is the same as a basket, but stronger and more reliable. The metal bundle is welded together, the result is pleasantly pleasing.

Portable firewood box made of metal rods

Surely, as a child you attended a macramé club or were fond of knitting. Do you practice this hobby even today? Great! A firewood rack made with your own hands from such materials will be a real breakthrough.

Knitted firewood - a non-standard solution

Oh my life, a tin, or what other firewood cans are there?

Various household containers in country decor are not uncommon. What's stopping you from adopting a vintage copper or brass trough? Absolutely nothing.

You can order very cute buckets on foreign resources like eBay or AliExpress.

Firewood stand in the form of a bucket

You can build something similar yourself. It is enough to buy a trough or galvanized bucket on the market. No wonder they say that everything ingenious is simple.

Let's think together about how you can decorate a trough or bucket in an original way:

  • Pick up paints and do hand painting.
  • Experiment with decoupage techniques.
  • Decorate the surface in the “shabby chic” style that is popular today.
  • Cover with paint.

We also recommend reading

  1. Do-it-yourself grill from a gas cylinder
  2. Your own carpenter: how to make an ax and sharpen it

"Clothes" for firewood

Don't rush to throw away your old coat. It can be used to make an attractive firewood stand. Externally it looks like a bag. But keep in mind that wool catches fire quite quickly, so keeping the “firewood clothes” too close to the fire is not recommended.

Carrying firewood from an old coat

A wooden carrier is inexpensive and looks so good!

An option that opens up almost limitless possibilities for you. Making such a firewood stand is very simple. You take an ordinary box and, having decorated it to your liking, screw on the wheels. In the end, you can just wait until the New Year holidays and borrow a sleigh from Santa himself.

Sleigh for firewood

But this is not the most unexpected method of production. How do you like the idea of ​​making a stand for firewood... from the firewood itself?

Firewood from the firewood itself

Once again we focus your attention on such an important aspect as flammability. Wicker, fabric and wood items are great for everyone, but they can catch fire easily. Therefore, no matter what option you choose, safety should always come first.

Simple DIY metal firewood box (video)

Features of Portable Structures Sets

They can be purchased from a retail chain or made independently. Forged and wicker models are often placed in the dressing room as a stand.

Attention! Products made from wicker require careful handling.

The procedure for making a portable firewood burner from metal and wood:
The steel structure is simple, but requires welding skills. Blanks: 4 round timber of 35 cm and 2 of 170. Bend the long elements in the shape of the letter U (logs will be stacked on them) and connect them using two short pieces.
The other two rods, 35 centimeters each, will be used to make the legs. Welding is harmful to the eyes, you must use a protective mask.

Reference! The twigs will be softer if you soak them in water before working.

Fabric firewood carrier

You can easily carry a fabric carrier in the trunk of a car, a backpack, or even under your armpit. And most importantly, this is a great option for a firewood bag that you can sew in 30 minutes! To work, you need to prepare fabric and 2 small wooden logs with a diameter of up to 4 cm.

To create a firewood carrier made of fabric is the simplest and most affordable option of all those presented on this page: you will need a piece of thick fabric and a couple of cuttings as a handle

This is how simple the transfer ends up: as they say, everything ingenious is simple

Step 1. Pattern.

It is better to take a thicker fabric for carrying, or fold it in 2 layers. Leather, leather substitute, denim, burlap or tarpaulin work well. The cut dimensions are approximately 120x50 cm. On the narrow edges, provide space for handles.

Step 2. Sew the edges.

If the fabric is double, stitch the edges. Now fold the short edges inward by 6-8 cm and sew to the sides. You have a rectangle, at the ends of which you can insert 2 round logs.


A huge variety of different models of firewood makers will delight even the most fastidious buyers. In addition, firewood and woodpiles are made from various materials. As already mentioned, wicker options are not very durable. But they are made from natural materials, so they are popular year after year.

Outdoor woodpiles are most often made of wood. Sometimes you can see wooden firewood racks in the interior of the house, which is also a very interesting solution. In addition, this design option is also environmentally friendly. For lovers of something unusual, some manufacturers produce leather firewood holders.

What are firewood racks made of?

Firewood racks installed outdoors can be made of either wood or metal.

However, we should not forget that wood and metal have completely different physical characteristics. When the temperature changes, condensation forms on metal parts, and firewood can absorb this moisture. Therefore, it is best to build an outdoor firewood shed from wood. You can, in principle, use both of these materials, but arrange the structure so that the firewood does not come into contact with the metal.

A wooden firewood box is the optimal solution for storing fuel in the yard.

Wood stands installed indoors, directly next to the stove or fireplace, on the contrary, are best made of metal. This material takes on the air temperature and will help the wood dry out quickly. Since the firewood box is installed near the heating device, the metal will warm up above the general room temperature, which will also be beneficial when drying the firewood.

Prices for firewood makers Vesuvius

Another good option is firewood racks built into the wall, that is, built during the construction of a brick fireplace, or later built in the form of a plasterboard structure made of fire-resistant gypsum board

Firewood holders built into the wall on both sides of the fireplace ensure that a large supply of well-dried firewood is always at hand.

Niches built into the wall near the stove or fireplace, as a rule, have a large volume, which allows you to dry a lot of fuel at once. As it is used, reserves are gradually replenished. Fresh wood will bring a healthy forest aroma into the room, which will last constantly and be renewed after each new batch of firewood.

Firewood basket woven from willow vine

Another material that is often used for making firewood boxes is willow branches, from which baskets of various shapes are woven. The convenience of such stands lies in their low weight. So, taking a basket, you can go to the yard to get firewood from the woodpile, and then, without moving it, install a stand near the fireplace, avoiding soiling the floor.

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